Course Reminders and Rules
General Course Information
- Race bib or wrist band required for admission: Participants must wear their wristbands (1-mile walk) or race bibs (5K run) received at packet pickup.
- Evergreen Park CLOSED to all vehicles: Participants access the course in Evergreen Park from the Quarryview Center parking lot using a lit path under the Calumet Drive bridge. The course follows Evergreen Park’s paved road that is transformed into a drive-through for Making Spirits Bright's holiday lights and music show.
- Music: Standing speakers are placed at various points throughout the course for participants to enjoy music synchronized with light dipsplays. Please note that because of the long length of the course, limited power outlets in Evergreen Park, and limited availability of rental equipment, it is difficult to have enough speakers for participants to hear music for the entire length of the course. Please consider downloading a radio app on your phone and tuning to 89.1 FM.
- 5K run spectator viewing area: A designated 5K run spectator viewing area will be located near the finish line. We kindly ask that if spectators are planning to walk the course following the run, that they please register for one of the walk waves.
Course Rules
- Participants are welcome to take photos along the course with displays in the background, but are not permitted to step off of the course pavement or touch displays.
- The drive-through loop is designed for only one lane of vehicle traffic. Therefore, we kindly ask that during the 5K run families with strollers and slower runners begin in the back and stay to the right for the duration of the run.
- The course closes for all participants at 7:00 PM and the shuttle busses for each offsite parking lot make final pickups at the Quarryview Center parking lot at 7:30 PM.
5K Run Details
- Runners need to pin their chipped race bibs on the front outside of their clothing so that they are visible. This will help make sure running times are recorded accurately.
- Runners must complete three clockwise laps of the paved drive-through to reach the 5K distance.
- The start line race timing mat where there will be an official countdown that begins promptly at 4:00 PM.
- The finish line includes a race timing mat in a well-marked chute off to the right. Volunteers assist in guiding runners. Runners need to cross the finish line timing mat in order for their time to be recorded and to be eligible for awards.
- Runners must finish by approximately 4:45 PM.
- Runners are welcome to walk the course until the course closes for all participants at 7:00 PM.
1-Mile Walk Details
- Walkers complete almost one clockwise lap of the paved drive-through to view the entire holiday lights and music show at least once.
- The 1-mile walk is divided into two waves to safely limit crowds on the course and shuttle buses. Walkers should arrive at the course no earlier than 5 minutes before their start time (5:00 PM or 6:00 PM) to help ensure a safe and fun experience for our community.
- Walk waves do not have an official countdown. Volunteers will help guide the first walk wave participants at approximately 5:00 PM (or once all 5K run participants are safely off of the course). The wave of walkers that begin at 6:00 PM are welcome to enter the course upon arrival.
- All walkers are welcome to enjoy the course at their own pace until the course closes for all participants at 7:00 PM.
***View the Course and Event Map