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Great Gold Rush Race 5.0

Sun September 10, 2023 St. John, IN 46373 US Directions


5k - Gold Rush

12:00PM CDT


8400 Wicker Avenue
St. John, IN US 46373


Join us for our annual Childhood Cancer Awareness event and our 4th Great Gold Rush Race!
5K run and 3K walk. Registration/check in starts at 11:00am. Step off at 12pm.
Water provided throughout both races.
Sign up TODAY:
Sign up by September 1st and save. *Prices go up after Sept. 1st.*
Sponsors needed:
Family Festival 12pm-3pm at LAKE CENTRAL HIGH SCHOOL Food, music, balloon art, face painting, games, auctions and more! Bring the whole family out for a day of fun.
For questions or more information:

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