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10:00AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT


10:00AM MDT - 12:00PM MDT

Kid's 1k Fun Run

9:30AM MDT - 10:00AM MDT


Join us for the 10th Annual Run for Your Life! This Halloween-themed 5k & Kid's Run supports the Help Center's 24/7 crisis and suicide prevention services. The Help Center has been serving our community for over 53 years! This event aims to bring awareness to suicide prevention, de-stigmatize seeking mental health help, and promote healthy activity to support your mental health. Sign up for our 5k along the southside trail system and streets, the Kid's 1k Fun Run around the MSU Football Stadium or our Virtual event where you can run from anywhere and the distance of your choice. Runners, walkers, rollers, strollers and dogs are all welcome! 


Starts/ends at the MSU Bobcat football stadium parking lot, by Gate 8 - on the East side. 1 Bobcat Circle, Bozeman, MT 59718.

Become a Fundraiser

Make every step more meaningful during Run for Your Life by becoming a Fundraising Champion for the Help Center. No minimum fundraising requirement. We have a goal of raising $25,000 through Fundraising Champions and online donations to contribute to our overall goal of raising $100,000 for this year's Run for Your Life. Every dollar makes a difference!  Earn some free swag for reaching milestones. We also provide email templates and tips to help you share your fundraiser with your networks. 

LEARN MORE about becoming a Fundraising Champion.

Run in Honor of...

Runners have the opportunity to run in honor of someone who has died by suicide or that has been affected by suicide. Running in honor of bibs and buttons will be available to all participants. We hope this will help bring our community closer in how we can support one another around this tragic issue that has touched everyone in our community.

Become a Sponsor

Do you have a business that would like to sponsor Run for Your Life?
If you ran last year and are looking for a way to contribute more to suicide prevention and outreach, please consider becoming a sponsor for this year's race!

Learn More!







Run/walk Contact Info

If you have any questions about this run/walk, click the button below.

Run/walk Website

Additional run/walk information can be found at


Starts/ends at the MSU Bobcat football stadium parking lot, by Gate 8 - on the East side. 1 Bobcat Circle, Bozeman, MT 59718.


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