Onsite Sickle Cell Testing! SCF of GA
Sickle cell tests may be used to screen for or help diagnose sickle cell anemia (also called sickle cell disease) or to identify individuals who are genetic carriers and have sickle cell trait. The Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia, Inc. provides this service free at community events. In rural parts of Georgia, individuals living with sickle cell face a minimum two-hour drive for specialty care from a hematologist and tests for the disease. Too often for patients with sickle cell disease, this leads to a reliance on emergency room visits at significantly higher costs.
In 2021, during the heights of the ongoing pandemic, the Sickle Cell Foundation of Georgia’s Health Hub Mobile Unit provided specialty care to 145 patients in rural areas. The Foundation has owned a mobile health unit since the early 1970s when the first one was donated by the late legendary baseball great, Hank Aaron.