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Lexington Habitat’s Shamrock Shuffle 3K

Saturday, March 15, 2025 Lexington, KY 40507 US

Race Map


This year's route is the same as last year's! The start and finish line will be on the corner of Main St and Upper St. We will shuffle down to the Main St/Midland/Vine intersection and turn left down Midland, do a U-turn at the halfway point and come back down from the opposite direction, finishing at the corner of Main and Upper. 

Since this route is out-and-back, please ensure that you shuffle on the left-hand side of the road so that collisions are avoided. We will have course monitors who will help direct the flow of traffic, as well as a police motorcycle in front of the lead runner. 

Net proceeds benefit Lexington Habitat for Humanity | Shamrock Shuffle 3k | Register Today | PhotosTeams


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