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Light the Torch 5K

Thu September 14, 2023 Brighton, MI 48116 US Directions

Kick Start your Fundraising

Here are some ideas to help you get started!

  1. Use your birthday (or other special occasion) for Good: Host a get-together and ask guests to donate to your race in lieu of gifts.
  2. Luminary Donations: Encourage your donors to donate in increments of $20 to light the luminaries along the race route.
  3. Bake-less Fundraiser:  Send this note to your network --
    "You are invited to NOT bake a cake, pie, cookies, or brownies.  You do NOT have to find the recipe.  You do NOT have to shop for the ingredients.  You do NOT have to mix.  You do NOT have to cook.    You do NOT have to cut.  You do NOT have to wrap.  You do NOT have to wash dishes.  You do NOT have to clean up your kitchen.  You do NOT have to deliver the baked product.  You do NOT have to stand in the heat/cold/rain to sell the baked product. Simply donate $XX to my Light the Torch 180 5K fundraiser and stay home and enjoy doing something yourself or with your family!"
  4. Euchre Tourney: Host a fun euchre night playing to raise money for Torch 180. Set a buy-in price and split the pot between the winner and your Torch 180 fundraiser.
  5. Garage Sale or Unwanted Gifts Sale: Collect items (ask your team for their unwanted holiday/birthday gifts) and have an in-person or virtual sale or list on FB, mention that all donations benefit Torch 180.
  6. Services: Pick a day to run errands for others in exchange for donations to your race fundraiser. OR have your team offer their services for a fee and donate all the proceeds. Services might include (yard work, babysitting, meal prep, car wash, dog walking, etc). Have fun and be creative!
  7. Office Games: Host games like a typing competition, best zoom background, virtual trivia, etc during a lunch hour for pride not prize…Ask participants to pay a small entry fee or make a donation to your race fundraiser.
  8. Matching Gifts: Find out if your company has a matching gift program – you could double your funds!
  9. City Crawl Challenge: Grab a small group of crazy friends; create a few silly fun challenges (like serenade a stranger, take a pie to the face, etc) and assign a donation amount; head to the nearest downtown area; and have some fun promoting the Torch 180 cause to others and collecting donations for your wacky performances or tasks.

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