Your Support Changes Lives
During the short time that children are with us at Clarke, they receive highly-specialized instruction and therapy from skilled and dedicated teachers and therapists. Clarke prepares children with hearing loss to learn and grow alongside their peers with typical hearing when they enter their neighborhood schools. Your support of the Listening Walk at the Zoo will enable Clarke to continue to provide its essential services to children who are deaf or hard of hearing who will listen and talk.
By working with our specially trained speech language pathologists and certified teachers of the deaf, and gaining access to sound via cochlear implants or hearing aids, children who are deaf or hard of hearing learn to listen and talk just like their peers with typical hearing. Many children who come to Clarke are ready to attend their neighborhood mainstream schools by kindergarten. As Clarke reaches more children than ever before at our five locations on the East Coast and through our comprehensive itinerant services, our mission remains unchanged: Providing children who are deaf and hard of hearing with the listening, learning and spoken language skills they need to succeed. For more information, visit