Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What does the money raised support?
A: All funds raised are dedicated to the operating costs of our shelter. Did you know that it takes $900,000 annually to provide the care for our animals that they deserve? We are excellent stewards with $.83 of each dollar donated going directly to animal care.
Q: What has changed since last year's Mutt Stut?
A: A lot! We have a new name for starters. Formerly Friends for the Dearborn Animal Shelter, and now Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit, we still offer the same great care to our animals. As we raise funds for our new shelter, we have learned that a wider reach of our organization has been key in consideration of funds. It is also a more representative picture of the organization today and the lives (both human and animal) that we impact.
Aspects of Mutt Strut have changed too! This year we have changed to a 5K course, added a run component and are charging a registration fee for everyone (of course, we still hope you will continue to fundraise beyond the registration fee). We hope these changes will help extend the event to a wider audience - and raise even more for our animals!
Q: Can I register the day of the event?
A: Online registration and fundraising is preferred as it allows us to better prepare, but you are more than welcome to register the day of the event at 8AM. We would be delighted if you still wanted to fundraise for the event too! You can download a pledge collection form on the "Race Information" page to help you keep track of your offline donations.
Q: Do I have to fundraise in order to come to the event?
A: Mutt Strut is a fundraising event - the more money raised by individuals, the more we can do for animals - but you do not need to fundraise to participate in the event. We are thrilled to have you just register and attend!
Q: I am interested in getting a booth, demonstrating, sponsoring, or volunteering at the event. Who do I contact?
A: Please contact us at or 313-389-6838.
Q: Do I have to have a dog to come to the event?
A: Absolutely not! If you have a cat, if you have a dog in your future, or if you just love animals, come and enjoy the event with us. Funds raised help all animals. (As much as we love cats, this event is designed specifically for dogs. Please leave your feline friends safe at home.)
Q: Do I register a Dog Pack (Team) on the same registration site?
A: Yes, all attendees register on the same website. Once the team captain establishes the Dog Pack page an e-mail invitation can be sent at any time to invite others to join the team through the special link. Each member will get their own web page linked to the main Dog Pack web page.
Q: How do I add members to a Dog Pack that is already formed?
A: The team captain can simply send an e-mail invitation providing the special link that can be found on the teams administration page or let people know to select the team name during the registration process.
Q: Who do people make checks out to for donations?
A: Friends for Animals of Metro Detroit (or FAMD)
Q: If someone gives me a cash donation, what do I do with it?
A: Donations that are not made online should be brought directly to the event or for those registered online, they can also be brought to the shelter to be posted to your fundraising page. The deadline for posting is Friday, May 12 by 12 noon.