12K Course (7.14 miles)
- From Start to shelter camp, 0.82 miles: Single track hiking trail under hardwoods and pines, some roots, possible wet spots
- To White Hiking Trail jct., 0.04 mile: open and grassy, a little sand.
- To White Hiking Trail jct., 1.19 miles: Mostly solid based single-track hiking trail, but with definite wet spots, some long, in wet years and on wet days. 90% shaded.
- To Blueberry water station, 0.03 mile: Solid grassy two-track. 50% shaded.
- To Sand Road Junction, 1.81 miles: about 70% solid sand or grassy two-track, 20% softer sand, 10% pot holes, sometimes mucky or water filled. May be up to 30% standing water in wet years or on rainy days. About 20% shaded.
- To Florida Trail jct., 0.54 mile: Improved road, solid base, but with wet spots in wet times, and a concrete bridge. 80% shaded.
- To East Spur water station, 1.27 miles: Mostly solid based sandy single- track hiking trail, perhaps 10% soft sugar sand; can be up to 20% standing water at wet times. Mostly through open scrub and flat woods, so perhaps 10% shaded.
- To White Hiking Trail jct., 1.43 miles: mostly solid single-track hiking trail, perhaps 10% sugar sand, but can be very wet on portions after a lot of rain. Shaded for about 10-20% of distance, mostly by pines. Lots of open scrub.
- To service road, 0.03 mile: solid sand in shade.
- To finish line, 0.45mile; Mostly soft sugar sand two-track, but with solid sand and grass for last 100 or so yards
Total actual distance: 7.14 miles
Overall conditions (including 5K and half portion):
~30% shaded, 70% open
In dry weather, ~80% or more solid ground, 15% soft sugar sand, ~5% or less wet/mucky; in wet weather, ~60% solid, 15% soft sugar sand, and up to 25% wet.
Two additional water station, after 5K portion.
Slope no more than 2% at any point