Become a Sponsor
Top Banana Sponsor ($15,000)
Our Presenting Sponsor is Advantage Construction Equipment and Parts, Inc.
- The event will be titled and advertised as the “Stuff Your Face Race presented by (Your Company)”
- Company name and/or logo prominently displayed on all event promotions and collateral (includes print, online and broadcast media)
- Company name/logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Extra-large company logo prominently displayed on participant t-shirts and race bibs
- Logo prominently displayed on website with hyperlink
- Extra-large logo prominently displayed at start/finish line
- Company verbally recognized as “Presenting” Sponsor throughout all announcement and awards (minimum of 10x)
- Company name to appear in minimum of (2) event press releases sent to regional media
- Logo included on “step and repeat” backdrop for all awards
- Opportunity to speak on stage during event
- Logo or company message on (8) signs along course
- 32 Entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- Prime 10x10 location for your sponsor tent (provided) at start/finish line
- Social media sponsor announcement on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
The Big Cheese Sponsors ($5,000)
- Company name and/or logo displayed on all event promotions and collateral (includes print, online and broadcast media)
- Large company logo displayed on back of participant t-shirts
- Company name/logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Logo and link prominently displayed on website
- Large logo displayed at start/finish area
- Minimum of 5 verbal mentions during event/announcements
- Logo or company message on (4) signs along course
- 16 Entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- 10x10 tent, table and 2 chairs at event at start/finish line
- Social media sponsor announcement on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Kids Dash Sponsor ($3,500)
- Kids Dash will be titled and advertised as the "Kids Dash presented by (Your Company)"
- Company name/logo to be included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Large company logo displayed on Kids Dash race bibs and ribbons
- Logo prominently displayed on with hyperlink
- Large logo prominently displayed at start/finish line
- 8 entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- 10x10 location for your sponsor tent (provided) at start/finish line
- Social media sponsor announcements on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Cream of the Crop Sponsors ($2,500)
- Company name and/or logo displayed on event collateral
- Large company logo (one color) displayed on back of participant t-shirts
- Company name/ logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Logo and link on website
- Large logo displayed at start/finish line
- Minimum of 2 verbal mentions during event/announcements
- Logo or company message on (4) signs along course
- 8 Entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- 10x10 tent, table and 2 chairs at event at start/finish line
- Shout out on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Apple of our Eye Sponsors ($1,000)
- Company name and/or logo displayed on event collateral
- Medium company logo (one color) displayed on back of participant t-shirts
- Company name/ logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Logo and link on website
- Medium logo displayed at start/finish line
- Verbal mention during event/announcements
- Logo or company message on (2) signs along course
- 4 Entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- 10x10 tent, table and 2 chairs at event at start/finish line
- Shout out on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
A Good Egg Sponsors ($250)
- Small logo on sponsor banner
- Logo or company message on (1) sign along course
- Logo and link posted on website
Additional Sponsorship Opportunities
Hops to You Beer Tent Sponsor ($1,500) OR In-Kind Beer & Tent Donation
- Company logo prominently displayed at beer tent
- Company name and/or logo prominently displayed on event collateral
- Medium company logo (one color) displayed on back of participant t-shirts
- Company name/ logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Opportunity to hang banners or decorate tent/wear your company shirts
- Logo and link on website
- 4 Entries (can be split between individual and/or team entries)
- Verbal mention on stage during the event
- Logo and link on website
- Shout out on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Hospitality Sponsors - In-Kind Donation or $500
- Company logo prominently displayed at Hospitality Tent near finish line
- If in-kind option is selected, sponsor can decorate tent/wear company t-shirts
- Verbal mention on stage
- Logo and link on
- Shout out on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Athlete Food Tent Sponsors - In-Kind
Prepare approximately 200-300 plated menu items for our hungry runners! Tables provided. Option to include tent, if needed.
- Company logo prominently displayed at (1) designated athlete food tent
- Company name and/or logo prominently displayed on all event promotions and collateral
- Company name/logo included in all event email blasts (distribution of 20,000 opt-in addresses)
- Medium company logo displayed on back of participant t-shirts
- Opportunity to hang banners or decorate tent/wear your company t-shirts
- Opportunity to display and distribute materials at race event
- 4 entries to race (can be split between individuals and/or team entries)
- Minimum 4x verbal mention on stage during the event
- Logo and link on stuff website
- Medium logo displayed at start/finish line banner
- Shout out on IMPOWER and Stuff Your Face Race social media pages
Hydration Station Sponsors - In-Kind Donation or $750
- Company name/logo prominently displayed as Hydration Station Sponsor at all water stations on course
- Exclusive opportunity for company to volunteer at Hydration Station and hydrate runners!
- Small company logo on sponsor banner at start/finish line
- Logo and Link posted on website
Sponsorship Notes:
+ Other benefits may be announced later
^ Guaranteed team entry requires a commitment to sponsorship level by September 1, 2024
* Deadline for logo on posters is July 31, 2024, and requires receipt of high-resolution logo.
** Deadline for logo on t-shirts is September 15, 2024, and requires receipt of high-resolution logo
For more information or to commit please download the full packet below or contact us at (407) 215-0095 x215 or
Download our full Sponsor Packet here ⤵
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.