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The Governor's Cup

April 11 - 12, 2025 Columbia, SC 29201 US


Packet pick-up will take place on Thursday, April 10 and Friday, April 11 between 10:00 a.m. – 6:30 P.M. at Strictly Running. 

Where do I park?  Park at the PJ Cannon Parking garage located at 1227 Taylor Street.

Is there a time cut off for the Half Marathon? The half marathon course has a 3 hour, 15 minute time limit (14:53/mile). Because aid stations, volunteers and police will not be available to participants who fall below this pace, runners will be asked to leave the course for their own safety after the 3:15 hour mark. If participants choose to continue running after the course is closed, they do so at their own risk and will be asked by the Columbia Police Department to move off the streets.


Are there any age or prize money restrictions? No, there is not an age restriction for any of the distances. However, for the Main Street Mile (elite) category, qualifying high school and college students may participate in the competition but they will not be eligible to receive prize money.

Is there late registration?   Yes, there is late registration located at packet pick-up on Friday, April 12. This will take place between 10:00 A.M. – 6:30 P.M.

**NO RACE DAY REGISTRATION. On race day you may pick up on the east side of the Statehouse near the starting line (by Sumter and Senate Street) from 6:00 A.M. – 7:45 A.M.

Can we transfer our registration? Yes, we offer a  "Gift" transfer  where the registrant gives their registration to another user, does not receive a refund, and the recipient is able to register for free. There is a $10 processing fee for "Gifting" a registration to another user paid for by the recipient. 

Can someone else pick up my packet? Yes, someone else can pick-up your packet.


All entry fees are non-refundable, but transferable between races. Please contact to change your race no later than a week before the event.

If you would like to change your race distances, please submit this request no later than one week prior to the event to receive reimbursement. If changes are made after the t-shirt deadline, your shirt will reflect what you originally signed up for.


Is there a bag drop at the start? Yes, we will have a bag drop at the start area. Bags will be transported to the corner of Park and Senate near the Hilton for pick up.

When is the award ceremony?  We will try to begin the 5K awards around 9:00 a.m. and half-marathon awards around 10:00 a.m.

Is there a rain plan? The Governor’s Cup Road Race, like most running events, is prepared to operate within a wide range of potential weather conditions. Exceptions would be extreme conditions such as dangerously high heat and humidity, lightning, tornadoes, and/or very heavy precipitation. In response to such conditions the Governor’s Cup Event Committee maintains the right to delay, reschedule, modify or cancel the event or components of the event. Decisions regarding any adjustments to the planned event will be announced, as early as possible, on the event website as well as via email and social media.

Are dogs and baby strollers allowed?  The Carolina Marathon Association discourages runners from participating with their dogs and strollers; however, any runners or walkers with dogs must have dogs leashed and will be required to begin at the back to not impede other runners. Baby strollers are welcomed in the walk and will be asked to start in the back of the pack. Please be aware of other runners and walkers at all times.

I need to pick-up my award and t-shirt -  Stop by Strictly Running at 2515 Devine Street, Columbia, SC. They will retain the unclaimed awards and shirts until April 30.

Is there a lost & found?  Lost and found will be at the awards ceremony area on race day. Clothing items left on the race course are done so at your own risk.

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