- Participants will travel through the beautiful countryside, scenic trails, and vibrant cornfields
- This course is marked with flags, arrows, cones, and other signage
- Simply follow the signs and you won’t get lost
We will have a water station near the 1.5-mile mark. We will also have water available before and after the race at packet pick-up.
You chose a corral during registration that ranged from A to I. We base this on expected race paces to keep everything organized and running smoothly (pun intended). It is important to stick to your correct corral. If you cannot remember your corral assignment, you can check the sticker on the front of your bib on race day, check your confirmation email, or log in to your RunSignUp account.
All participants will be lined up at the start line by 8:45 am. Simply look for the tall teardrop banners that read 'Corral A', 'Corral B', and so on. Line up behind your corral leader near the start area. If you don’t see your corral banner, simply wait off to the side. Once we get the first couple corrals on the course, we will line up additional corrals!
Right at 9 am, we will release Corral A. As each one clears, we'll slowly move the next corral forward into the gates. We will be sending a corral off every few minutes. Once the final corral is sent through, the start line will close and you will not be permitted onto the course.
We welcome all ages and abilities! If you plan on walking the course, please ensure you start with either corral H (walking solo) or corral I (walking in a group). Furthermore, whenever walking, please stick to the right-hand side so others can safely pass you on the left.
Parking is free and will be held on-site in grassy lots. You will see parking attendants as you enter the orchard. Follow their directions to ensure you are parked in an efficient manner. Space is limited, so carpooling is encouraged!
If it rains prior to race day, the parking lot will get muddy. In this situation, arriving in a truck or SUV is advised.
We've mentioned it a few times, but one more for good measure: we advise you to arrive by 7:30 AM so you can avoid traffic lines.
For those of you participating in the Tough Pumpkin option, be sure to pick up your packet at the Packet Pick-Up tent first. Then, head over to the Tough Pumpkin booth marked by the large teardrop banner. You will use the tear-off on your bib to select your Tough Pumpkin.
Sizes will range from approximately 2-10 pounds.
PRO TIP: Come to early packet pick-up on Friday for a greater range of sizes!
Please note, these pumpkins are NOT the complimentary pumpkins included in every registration. The pumpkins at the Tough Pumpkin booth are for Tough Pumpkin participants only! Everyone will receive the included pumpkin at the end of the race.