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Speed for Need Racing Chairs

For those who want to participate in the 5K Run or 3K Walk, but are not physically able to complete some or all of the course, please do the following:

  1. Register for the 5K (if you want to go faster in the racing chair) or 3K (if you want to go for a more leisurely stroll, or if you want to walk next to the chair and get in it if need be).
  2. Immediately submit this online form to Speed for Need right away:  After you've filled out the online form, Speed for Need will get in touch with you directly to get all the information needed so that you thoroughly enjoy your race day experience with them. 

Racing Chairs are available on a first-come, first-served basis. We cannot confirm your Racing Chair until you have registered for the Sarcoma Stomp, submitted the online form to Speed for Need, and have confirmed availability directly from Speed for Need. 


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