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2025 Bridge Street Town Centre Half Marathon - Presented by SportsMED

Sat April 5 - Sun April 6, 2025 Huntsville, AL 35806 US Directions

Friday Packet Pickup (12-6pm)

At least 3 more volunteers needed.

Saturday Packet Pickup (12-5pm)

At least 3 more volunteers needed.

Finish Line Volunteer Medium Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


Helping hand out medals and water.

Post Race Food Medium Priority

At least 7 more volunteers needed.


We will be serving Marco's Pizza along with fruit and cookie cake. The volunteers will plate the food for the participants.

Team RWB Aid Station High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.

Run for God Aid Station High Priority

Minimum met.

Orange Theory Aid Station High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.

Club Pilates - Jones Valley High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.

Packet Pickup Sunday Morning from 5:30am-6:45am High Priority

At least 5 more volunteers needed.


This will take place at Bridge Street near the Cheesecake Factory.

Split Timers at Mile Markers High Priority

At least 12 more volunteers needed.


We will assign individuals to each mile marker and give you specific directions on where to go.

Sentries High Priority

At least 10 more volunteers needed.


We will assign individuals to each intersection and give you specific directions on where to go.

1:20:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

1:25:00 Pacer

At least 1 more volunteer needed.

1:30:00 Pacer

At least 1 more volunteer needed.

1:35:00 Pacer

At least 1 more volunteer needed.

1:40:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

1:45:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

2:00:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

2:15:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

2:45:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

3:00:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

2:30:00 Pacer

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

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