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Run Drugs Out Of Town -Shiawassee FAN

Sat September 6, 2025 Owosso, MI 48867 US Directions

Registration Table High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 6, 2025


Registration Table Volunteers must be at the Owosso City Hall Parking Lot by 7:45am to set up the table with shirts and bib numbers to sign up runners by 8am.

All Volunteers will get a free tee shirt, a voucher for an on-sight Foster Coffee and a baked good.


Owosso City Hall Parking Lot
301 West Main Street
Owosso, MI 48867

Refreshment Table High Priority

September 6, 2025


Volunteers will need to be report to the Volunteer Table at the Owosso City Hall by 8am to set up the Refreshment Table with water and bars.

Volunteers will hand out water and bars to finishers after the race.

All Volunteers will receive a free tee, and a voucher for on-sight Foster Coffee and a baked good.


Owosso City Hall
301 West Main Street
Owosso, MI. 48867

Race Route Directors High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

September 6, 2025


Race Route Directors are most important to running an effective race. 12-24 people are needed for this race.
They will be placed at key turns in the route to monitor, encourage and wave runners in the correct direction, under the Washington Street Bridge, up the ramp, south over the Washington Bridge at street level, down the trail along Steam Railroad Institute, over the Blue Bridge, down the trail toward the Owosso Airport and back.

Volunteers will have to report at the Owosso City Hall Volunteer Table by 8:15am to get their tee shirt, Foster Coffee and baked good voucher.

Route Directors must be in place along the route by 9:00am


Owosso City Hall
301 West Main Street
Owosso, Mi. 48867

Run Area Set Up and Take Down High Priority

September 6, 2025


Volunteers are needed to report at 7:30am at the Owosso City Hall Parking Lot to assist with setting up tables and chairs for non-profit organizations, carry shirt boxes, water, stake flags, and general help preparing the area for the run and then putting away the tables and chairs after the race concludes at approximately 11:00am

Volunteers will receive a free tee shirt, and voucher for a free on-sight Foster Coffee and a baked good.


Owosso City Hall
301 West Main Street
Owosso, MI. 48867

Non-profit Organization Table Medium Priority

September 6, 2025


If you support Families Against Narcotics and would like a table at the event to promote your services, please register here before August 31 and a table and chairs will be provided for you.

A Foster Coffee voucher for on-sight coffee and a baked good will be provided at the Volunteer Table for all workers.


Owosso City Hall
301 West Main Street
Owosso, MI. 48867

General Volunteer High Priority

September 6, 2025


If you would like to volunteer as an ‘extra’ the day of the race, please be at the Volunteer Table at 8am to get your assignment.

All volunteers need to sign up before August 31, to get a free tee shirt, and a voucher for on-sight Foster Coffee and a baked good.


Owosso City Hall
301 West Main Street
Owosso, MI. 48867

Volunteer Table High Priority

At least 2 more volunteers needed.

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