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Participant Information

Please read the following information carefully to ensure a safe and successful race day for everyone.


WEATHER:   Any weather-related race day updates will be posted at Salisbury Rowan Runners' website and here at RunSignUp.


EARLY CHECK-IN:  Saturday, February 1, is early check-in/packet pick up and registration at Salisbury City Park Recreation Center (316 Lake Drive, Salisbury, NC  28145) from 5:30 – 7:30 p.m.  Come get your race goodies and shirt early!! 


PASTA DINNER:  Along with early check in, we will have a race-winning meal of pasta, bread, and salad catered by Debbie Suggs along with desserts from Abigail's as part of Salisbury Rowan Runners' annual meeting.  We will also have door prizes including a gift certificate for free SRR Race Series entry for an entire year - 2025 Bare Bones 5K, Santa 5K and 2026 Resolution Run 5K and Winter Flight 8K/5K!!  The dinner is free for Salisbury Rowan Runners' members.  Member’s family = $5.  Community friends = $10.  SRR memberships will be available on site.  RSVP to David Freeze at 704-310-6741 or to sign up for the dinner.


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RACE PARKING:  Please see the posted parking map for race day parking.  This map is used for Catawba game days.  Please park in any lot marked in white for “game day” parking.   


RACE DAY CHECK-IN:  Sunday, February 2 - race-day check-in, packet pick up and race-day registration ($35) will begin at 12:00 pm continuing until 1:45 pm (8K/5K) and until 1:20pm for the fun run in the Catawba College Gymnasium  - corner of Yost and Summit streets – building 18 on the posted parking map. 


CHECK-IN TABLES:  There will be separate check-in tables in the gymnasium for pre-registered 5k runners, pre-registered 8K runners, Fun Run / Ainsley’s Angels and day-of registration.  We will have signs posted!  Pre-registered runners will check in at the far side of the gymnasium!


8K STATE RECORDS:  All participants wishing to run for a state age-group record (8K only) will be timed manually in addition to chip timing (chip timing is not valid for state records).  Those seeking a state record must email David Freeze at with your intentions prior to race day and then check in with him on site before the 8K race. If you do not meet with David, your pending state record cannot be recorded.


RESTROOMS:  Restrooms are located in the gymnasium lobby and in the football stadium.


RACE START LINES / COURSE MAPS:  The fun run will start at the finish line on the football stadium track at 1:30pm (deadline for fun run registration/check-in is 1:20pm in the gymnasium). The fun runners will make two laps around the track.  Ainsley’s Angels (1:58pm), 5k & 8K (2:00 pm) races will start on Yost street in between the gym and football stadium.  All races will finish on the track.  Please see the posted 8K & 5K course and elevation maps.


RACEJOY:  Live GPS phone tracking of the race will be available for participants and spectators via the optional RaceJoy app. RaceJoy allows 8K and 5K runners and spectators to keep up with their information and where they are on the course as long as the runners enable the app and run with their phones.  Racejoy instructions are available here:  Race Joy Instructions


LIVE RACE RESULTS (5K & 8K):  Please save this link for live race results: (Live Race Results)  8K & 5K race results will be updated at this link once every five minutes throughout the duration of the races.  Full results will be transferred to RunSignUp at the conclusion of the event. 


WATER & REFRESHMENTS:  Water stops will be set up on the courses and water will be available at the finish line.  Refreshments provided by Rowan Helping Ministries and desserts from Abigail’s will be located in the Catawba gymnasium lobby following the races.  


AWARDS:  The awards ceremony will be held in the Catawba gymnasium.  5K awards will start at approximately 3:20 p.m. followed by Ainsley’s Angels & 8K awards at approximately 3:40 p.m.  Awards will not be mailed, so please be in the Goodman Gym bleachers on time.


DOOR PRIZES:  There will be door prizes!!  In addition to other door prizes, we will give away two gift certificates for free SRR Race Series entry for an entire year - 2025 Bare Bones 5K, Santa 5K and 2026 Resolution Run 5K and Winter Flight 8K/5K!


Please remember that all walkers should be registered in the 5K. No walkers are allowed in the 8K due to a strict time limit of 90 minutes. We are required to stay on time for road openings, police and fire department release, and timely awards ceremonies. Thank you for your cooperation. 


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Thank you for your support!  If you have not yet registered, sign up today!


100% of race proceeds go to Rowan Helping Ministries - a not-for-profit volunteer-based corporation which operates human service programs to assist the economically disadvantaged. 


See you at the races!!  Share the word and invite your friends!


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