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Yardley 5K Run and Walk

Sun June 1, 2025 Yardley, PA 19067 US Directions

Course Map

Beginning on West Afton (at Starbucks), head east toward the River down Afton Avenue to River Road. Make a left on River Road. Continue approximately 1.25 miles under the Scudder Falls Bridge. You will see a water station set-up on your left (this is the only water station). There, you will be turning left onto Woodside Avenue – marshals (wearing yellow shirts) will direct you. Begin looking for another marshal directing you left onto the towpath. You will follow the Canal Towpath for approximately 1 mile. While on the towpath, you will come to a red footbridge, stay to the left and try to avoid running underneath the bridge. You will then come to another footbridge – again, stay to the left of the bridge. The towpath will become Edgewater Road – you will follow the road looking for a marshal at Brown Street – you will see a “NO OUTLET” sign as a landmark. Make a left onto Brown. Follow Brown back to River Road. Make a right at the dead end at River Road, continuing to Afton Avenue. Make a right onto Afton and continue to the finish line just past Main Street, on Afton (returning to the Starbucks).


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