Sponsorship and Branding opportunities
There are a myriad of sponsorship levels and opportunities available for your company to support Clarke's Listening Walk at the Zoo and 5K Run. The Listening Walk is a chance to maximize exposure before hundreds of Clarke families and thousands of Zoo patrons at perhaps the most visible and beloved location in Philadelphia. As a sponsor, you will align your company with a school that is providing a unique and invaluable service for children who are deaf or hard of hearing who will listen and talk. Your business will also be connected with 1000+ devoted attendees that include avid runners, corporate teams, professionals, hearing loss community members, educators, families, students, and more.
Please email Gloria Pugliese at gpugliese@clarkeschools.org for our Sponsorship package! In our package you will find many different levels of sponsorship and ways to get involved.
Your business branding possibilities:
Exclusive package opportunities
Presenting title propriety
Logo on event collateral such as posters, banners and t-shirts
Pre-event traffic builder
Presence on-site
Hyperlink to your business
Live recognition at the event
Inclusion in press releases and efforts
Sampling opportunities
Swag bag inserts
Complimentary event registrations