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Virtual 5K Experience

Host your own Care4 Event! Virtually!  

A virtual race is almost exactly the same as an in-person race, but instead of running along the same course, participants can complete the 5K anywhere they choose. You can race against your treadmill, take your laps around the neighborhood, or walk your dog for the day! The possibilities are endless, and your 5K route is up to you! Only limited by your imagination- we can't wait to see what you have planned this year- so take lots of pics and post to social media with #Care4breastcancer2024, upload them directly to this website or send them via email to 


Packet Pickup

Saturday, 10/12 from 9am-12pm & Saturday, 10/19 from 9am-12pm
Packet Pick-up is at Family Health Partnership Clinic, 401 Congress Parkway in Crystal Lake, Illinois.  Pickup will be on Saturday, 10/12 from 9am-12pm and again on Saturday, 10/19 from 9am-12pm. 
SHIP TO ME: If you are participating VIRTUALLY and cannot attend packet pickup and would like your packet shipped, please add the shipping option to your checkout for an additional charge!  Shipped packets will go out the week of 10/8. 


5K Course Options

While some of you may be able to do your Virtual Run on the actual Care4 Breast Cancer Course on another day, we know it may not be convenient for everyone. 
Here are other course suggestions in the McHenry County Area.
Downtown Crystal Lake 5K Course
Lippold Park 5K Course
MCC 5K Course
Of course you can run, jog or walk where you are – in your neighborhood, on the track, at home on your treadmill – and celebrate at the virtual finish line with an online community when you’ve completed your 5K (3.1 miles).  

Virtual 5K Results reporting (You can enter your results October 12-20):

Self-report your virtual results by clicking on RESULTS, choosing VIRTUAL Care4 Breast Cancer 5K Results Set and then clicking on the Submit Virtual Results button.
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