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Race Day Schedule

*Complete Schedule and Map PDF can be downloaded at the bottom of the page to print.


Invite your friends and family to come and see you finish! Drop a few hints before the race about how much you'd love to see a sign with your name welcoming you across the finish line. Good luck, you are going to be great!


7:30AM: Enter through the NCS Main Entrance, across from Hometown Bank and Hooper Field.  The back gates will be closed. Parking is free but limited. Come early to secure a good spot and make sure you have enough time to get to the starting line.  Overflow parking is in Hooper Field. There will be a crossing guard to help you across Colonial Avenue. See map here.


7:30-8:30AM: Race Day Packet Pickup Tent will be open. After you come in the main school entrance, take your first right toward the starting line. The first tent you see will be the Race Day Packet Pickup Tent. See map here.


8:15AM: Call Kids Fun Run participants to line up by age.


8:30AM: Kids’ Fun Run Starts. The NCS Cross Country Team will lead and follow the last kid to ensure they know where to go and leave no one behind. Each participant will receive a participant medal at the end of the race. The Fun Run is NOT timed but the first three kids to cross the finish line will be recognized.


8:30AM: Kids Corner opens with bounce houses, face painting, a balloon artist and other fun for the kids.


8:45AM: Opening Remarks.


8:50AM: Call 5K Runners to line up. Find your corral number on your race bib and line up accordingly. The corral is based on your expected finish time. This is to help with the bottle necking on the course. We have our speedy runners upfront. REMEMBER: Pets & strollers are not allowed on the racecourse.

9AM: 5K Run, Run/Walk Starts After the race, be sure to grab some free water and snacks. Personal Record?!?!? Great job. Ring the Hamlin Builders Sponsored PR Bell by the finish line. Then stop by Kelly Kemper Yoga’s tent for much-needed post-race stretching.  She is located near the red barn across from the start/finish line. See map for exact location of her tent.


9:15AM: 5K Walkers Start This is NOT a timed event.


10:30AM (approximately): 5K Run Awards Ceremony. The 5K medals will be awarded to the following; Female & Male Overall Winners, Female & Male Overall Masters Winners (40& older), Top Three Female & Male: 9 & Under, 10-12, 13-15, 16-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69, 70+


11:30AM: 5K Course Closes & Kids Corner Closes.


Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.


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