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See Dates Under Session Info Tulsa, OK 74135 US

Weather Policy

Occasionally the weather will require us to cancel or revise workouts.  Below are our policies. WATCH Fleet Feet pages/groups/emails for announcements.


If the actual air temperature is at or over 100, or the heat index is at or over 110, we will CANCEL.  

If the actual air temperature is between 95 and 99, or the heat index is between 100 to 109, we will CUT workout in HALF (i.e. distance), SLOW overall pace AND ADD walk breaks as needed.

If the actual air temperature is less than 95, or the heat index is between 95 - 99, it is up to the coach to modify the workout as needed for group safety.

RAIN/Thunderstorm Policy

We run in the rain.  We cancel if there is lightening in the area.

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