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Race Against Gun Violence

June 5, 2025 Chicago, IL 60611 US

How to Make the Most of the Race

Set Goals

Whether it’s about how many runners you recruit, funds you raise, or volunteers you rally, having a goal and reporting back on it is a great way to keep people engaged and focused.

Give Incentives & Share Progress

When reaching for a goal, it’s important to provide incentives to keep people motivated, as well as to recognize those who perform well or put forth the greatest effort. Incentives can range from a shout out to a financial reward. Here are a few ideas that may work for your organization:

  • Creative communication is key! Post a chart or other image that represents the progress your organization is making towards the goal. Make sure it is visible and staff can see it on a frequent basis.
  • Establish a friendly competition by creating teams and reporting on progress: board vs. staff; the finance committee vs. operations committee, etc.
  • Offer rewards for the top performers in a range of categories: funds raised, runners recruited, etc. Rewards can be monetary or non-monetary (ex. a day off, the best parking space for a month, etc.)
  • Communicate progress by giving special shout outs to those who are putting in the most effort to reach goals.

Enhance Programming

Depending on your organization, the race may provide some unique program opportunities:

  • Health and wellness: highlight the importance of exercise by starting a training or fitness group for employees and/or the community you serve at lunch or in the early evening. Ask youth in the after school program to participate in the run as a way of promoting health, wellness and team building.
  • Performance and art: does your organization have a choir or band? Has your organization produced a work of art that represents your organization's efforts to reduce gun violence in Chicago? Consider using the race as an opportunity to showcase this work.
  • Civic engagement / youth exposure: the race provides an opportunity to travel downtown and interact with people from many different spheres, celebrating the work of your organization and others that share a
    commitment to reducing gun violence and improving life for all citizens.

Gain Exposure

The Community Partners and Affiliates are the highlight and focus of the Race Against Gun Violence. Make sure
to make the most of it:

  • Have enough staff and youth on hand to engage with race attendees and spectators
  • Wear t-shirts or hats and carry a banner with your organization logo (all runners also receive a race t-shirt)
  • Distribute materials highlighting your programs
  • Bring sign-up sheets to capture contact details of individuals who may want to join your mailing list or volunteer at your organization
  • Bring signs, banners, etc. to make your table stand out

Employee and Board Engagement

The race presents a fun way to boost employee morale, build relationships, and promote team spirit. Consider how the race can help bring employees and board members together for a fun and common cause.


The race provides an opportunity to highlight the work of your organization and raise funds via an easy-to-use online platform, tapping into personal and professional networks via social media and email.
Whether your contacts want to support the individual who is running, or the cause they are running for, the race provides an opportunity to build support for your organization.

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