Soliciatation Templates
Example 1: Appeal based on work of organization
Please join me in raising much needed funds for [Community Organization] which [does activity to prevent violence]. My goal is to raise [$x] which will allow [community organization to do]. Let's show the world
Chicago can come together to end gun violence!
Example 2: Event-based appeal
I am walking/running in annual Race Against Gun Violence on Thursday, June 5, 2025 to raise funds for [Community Organization] because I believe [organization does important work]. This important race brings
everyone – the business community, nonprofits, youth, law enforcement – together to show that our city is invested in finding a solution. Please support me in my quest to raise [$x] so [organization] can continue its
life-changing and life-saving work.
Example 3: Recruit team members
Want to be part of building peace? Join us for the Race Against Gun Violence on Thursday, June 5 to make a difference in Chicago! [if team is participating virtually, adapt according to your plans]
This annual family-friendly event in Grant Park attracts more than 1,800 participants of all ages. Join us by running or walking. Join our team [Team Name] today!
8K and 5K run | 2 Mile Walk | Tots for Peace Sprint
Register at and join my team [Team Name]