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South Ridge Trail Challenge

Sun June 1, 2025 Allison Park, PA 15101 US Directions

Trail Rules and Expectations

  • As with all trail events, the goal should always be to leave the park the way you found it.
  • Please stay on the trail and do not go rogue.  If the trails are muddy, please run through the mud and do not climb or run around the mud.  This causes damage to the surrounding ecosystem and then needs to be repaired by park rangers and volunteers.
  • At water stops, please deposit your cups in the appropriate bins nearby, or better yet, feel free to wear a personal hydration vest to cut down on cup usage.
  • Please carry out all your nutrition wrappers with you or deposit them in the garbage at the water stops on the course.
  • The course is open to other walkers, hikers, runners, and bikes. 
  • Please be aware of your surroundings and do not run with headphones in both ears. 


  • If you need to pass someone, kindly let them know you are coming up behind them and what side you will be passing them on.
  • When being passed, kindly move aside to let faster participants continue... when it is safe to do so.

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