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Spa Running Festival

Sat November 15, 2025 Hot Springs, AR 71901 US


If you are interested in hearing more about how your business or organization can be a part of the Spa Running Festival as a sponsor, please reach out to us by emailing Together we can discuss the various sponsorship levels available and the benefits that come with each.

As a sponsor, you will have a unique opportunity to increase awareness and exposure for your products and services to not only the local running community, but to the hundreds of visitors who make their way to Hot Springs for the Festival weekend.

We will promote our sponsors through email messaging, web presence at, marketing coverage across social media, as well as in Spa Running Festival materials. We hope you will join in supporting our efforts to build collaboration in our efforts to promote both your organization and the Spa Running Festival.



Presenting Sponsor

Presenting Sponsor
Health Initiative Sponsor
Finisher Medal Lanyard Sponsor
Expo Sponsor
Finish Line Sponsor
Volunteer Sponsor
Platinum Sponsor
Grill Tent Sponsor
Hydration Sponsor
Gold Sponsor
Silver Sponsor
Spa Squirt Sponsor
Race Shirt Sponsor
In-kind (Food and Race Related Items)

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