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Full Moon 25k/50k

Sat July 20 - Sun July 21, 2024 Directions

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Check In

50K Runner Check In High Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

July 20, 2024


You will have 3 volunteers: at least one to mark the roster while the two others dig up the runners’ bag.
Check in opens at 5 p.m., not before! People will still show up last minute. It is not your responsibility to hurry because they are running late! (There is no race day registration. If someone shows up wanting to register, send them to me.)
We pre-prepped race bags this year. You’ll have boxes of race bags with bibs, chips and numbered wrist bands in them to hand runners when they check in.
Some people will want to or have switched to the 25K already. When they check in, do not give those the wrist band. You’ll need to take it out of their bag. They’ll still run under their 50K number with the 25K group. Remind them that their start time is 8 p.m. please!
Get the runner’s last name (check in listed alphabetically). Make sure the bib is a 1, 2 or 3-digit number (4-digit numbers are 25K runners). Confirm the race is correct.
Once confirmed, have someone else grab runner’s bag. Mark them as checked in with a check mark in the first column.
Every 50K runner starts at 7 p.m.; there is no early start. Make sure they know to line up at 6:45 for pre-race trail briefing. The Blind & Visually Impaired runners and their guides start at 7 p.m. These are the only 25K runners who should start with the 50K runners.
Remind all 50K runners to wear the wrist band on the right arm. If they need to drop to the 25K, have only the aid station captain or radio person remove it.
Ask them to wear their race numbers on the front where we can see them in the dark.
Point them to the pins, Hammer gels & swag to get them moving from the line.

What ifs…
Someone wants to pick up another runner’s Shirt: They are allowed to do this after 10 p.m. (or after they finish their race). We don’t want to have to worry about if the person started or not and people stealing other runners’ numbers because they didn’t register before the cutoff.
They don’t like/HAVE the size of their shirt – they can exchange it for whatever is available at the shirt sales table or after 10 p.m.
They want to change from the 50K to the 25K before the race – don’t give them the wrist band and make a note on the 50K roster that they’ve moved to the 25K. We’ll add them to the 25K roster (or write down and transfer it later). Be sure to tell them to start at 8 p.m.
They want to change from the 25K to the 50K – not allowed. They can sign up for the 50K next year.
They’re signed up for the 25K and want to start at 7 p.m. – not allowed.
We don’t do drop bags, key keeping, baby sitting or any other attendance to their personal stuff.

Bottom line: keep them moving through the line. We have 500 people to check in!


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

25K Runner Check In High Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

July 20, 2024

This volunteer task is full.


You will need 2-3 volunteers: at least one to mark the roster while the two others dig up the runners’ bags.
Check in starts at 6 p.m., not before! People will still show up last minute. It is not your responsibility to hurry because they are running late!
We pre-prepped race bags this year. You’ll have boxes of race bags with bibs & chips to hand runners when they check in.
Some people have switched to the 25K already, and may not show up on your roster. They will check in with at the 50K table where their bag is. If they try to check in with you, send them to the 50K line and remind them that their start time is 8 p.m. please!
Get the runner’s last name (check in listed alphabetically). Make sure the bib is a 4-digit number (only 4-digit numbers are 25K runners). Confirm the race is correct.
Once confirmed, have someone else grab the runner’s bag. Mark them as checked in with a check mark in the first column.
25K runners start at 8 p.m. this year; there is no early start allowed for them. Make sure they know to line up at 7:45 for pre-race announcements. The Blind & Visually Impaired runners and their guides start at 7 p.m. These are the only 25K runners who should start with the 50K runners
Ask them to wear their race numbers on the front where we can see them in the dark.
Point them to the pins, Hammer gels & swag to get them moving from the line.

What ifs…
Someone wants to pick up another runner’s Shirt: They are allowed to do this after 10 p.m. (or after they finish their race). We don’t want to have to worry about if the person started or not and people stealing other runners’ numbers because they didn’t register before the cutoff.
They don’t like/HAVE the size of their shirt – they can exchange it for whatever is available at the shirt sales table or after 10 p.m.
They want to change from the 25K to the 50K – not allowed. They can sign up for the 50K next year.
They’re signed up for the 25K and want to start at 7 p.m. – not allowed.
We don’t do drop bags, key keeping, baby sitting or any other attendance to their personal stuff.

Bottom line: keep them moving through the line. We have 500 people to check in!


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Volunteer Check In Medium Priority

You must be 16-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

July 20, 2024


Because we got a variety of shirts, volunteers will get to pick what size/color shirt when they check in. If we don’t have their size available, they are welcome to pick a shirt from the sales table. Give them a volunteer notecard to exchange at the sales table.
When a volunteer checks in, double check that they have a signed volunteer application on file. If not, see #3. I will have highlighted in orange highlight on their volunteer form if they haven’t been signed. Just have him/her sign on the bottom of the volunteer form, just make sure we have a signature!
Check them off the on the roster. Let them choose a shirt from the volunteer pile.
If someone checks in and doesn’t have a volunteer application on file, please have them fill out a form and sign it. Let them pick a shirt from the volunteer stash, or use one of the note cards to write “volunteer” and their shirt size. Initial it and send them to the sales table to get a shirt if their size is available. Have them show their volunteer card to get the free shirt.
We have had a lot of last-minute volunteers who will need to complete the sign up and get a shirt (if available). If they don’t know of their assignment, send them to where we need them most (runner check in, parking, etc.) if you can tell. If not, have them to come find me.
If they don’t like the size of their shirt, they may exchange at the sales table. They may choose from 2013-16 shirts at the shirt sales table if they prefer. Just give them a notecard with “volunteer” and shirt size, initial and send them to the sales table with it.
You’ll have all the team folders and assignments. Make sure the first person from each team get these and send them to see me if they have any questions.
Just a note: some volunteers are getting race shirts. If they check in (i.e Dee Horton), double check that they’re not running the race and getting a RACE shirt. If they are, tell them to get their shirt at race check in.
If they’re just a volunteer I promised a race shirt, do the notecard trick with “Race Shirt” on it, and send them to the sales table.


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Course Marking

Course Marking High Priority

You must be 21-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

July 20, 2024


You will need to leave Camp Ouachita no later than 3:45 to get the course marked on time. This is one of the most important jobs to keep the runners safe and helps me tremendously! If you have any questions or problems, call me or find a radio person to contact me ASAP so we can get the course marked as quickly as possible. (501) 837-3104. I’ll be at Net Control near the radio people.
Reset your odometer before leaving Camp Ouachita. Make sure you have in your vehicle:
Orange and white marking paint (3 cans each)
glow sticks
4 blue Aquatainer jugs
One folding table
Four glow bracelets and connectors
Map of course
Just in case it takes longer than you thought, take your headlamp or a flashlight.
Marking the course with white & orange marking paint
Make obscenely large parallel arrows (6’ – 8’ long), directing runners
At turns, put arrows before, through, and after the turn on the inside of the turn
Liberally apply “x”s across the wrong road at the turns (XXXXXXX)
Marking the places for people not to turn with straight arrows on both sides of the wrong road
Put out the table and water jugs at the Grindstone Mountain Water Stop (at 12 miles) it will be a barely wide place on your left (outbound)
Set up the folding table
Put two containers on top of the table (set up spigots to pour), and two under the table
Use the marking paint to make a 4’ “W” facing both directions on the side of the road.
Full mOOn Mileage Markers
Start: 0 mile (left turn out of Camp Ouachita)
Lake Sylvia: 0.6 miles
Lake Sylvia Campground 0.9 miles
Lake Sylvia Day Use Parking Area/Dirt road: 1.0 mile
FSR 132 (right turn): 2.5 miles – needs extra glow sticks & turn marks
Ouachita Trail aid station (on right) 4.35 miles- Mark "OT" in the road here (large camping spot with trail sign)
Flatside Pinnacle intersection (left turn) 6.5 miles – needs extra glow sticks & turn marks
25K Aid Station & turnaround (on left) 8.0 miles - no need to mark here, there will be a ton of people
Intersection of 132 @ 75 (right turn) 10.4 miles – needs extra glow sticks & turn marks
Grindstone Mountain water stop (on left): 12 miles - put a big "W" in the road here
50K Aid station & turnaround: 15.4 miles - no need to mark here

Continue marking course out to the 50K turnaround. Look for the turnout on the right at about 15.4 miles.

Reset your odometer after arriving at the 50K turnaround. Aid station and radio people may already be there. You’ll be looking for the turnaround near 15.4 miles out. There is a small dirt road which is very overgrown and looks like a turnout there. This is where you start measuring to hang your first glow stick 2 tenths of a mile and every 2 tenths of a mile after that. Just in case it takes longer than you thought, take your headlamp or a flashlight.
Directions for glowsticking from the far end of the course:
Reset the odometer
On or very near two tenths of a mile (0.2 mile) break, shake and hang a glow stick. Try to pick a place that hangs as close to the road as possible. Waist height is best, but not too high. Remember, runners will be looking at the ground at their headlamps for the most part.
Go another 0.2 miles and repeat.
We have unwrapped something like 100 glowsticks and tied 100 zipties for hanging already. We want you to be able to move as quickly as possible so you will have the least amount of interference with runners after they’ve started at 7 p.m.
At the water stop, attach some of the small stick glow bracelets using the connectors around the handles of the jugs at the water-only stops so runners can find them in the dark. The Grindstone Mountain water stop will be on your right on the way in about 3.5-4 miles from the end of the course. Snap and shake glow bracelets to go around the handles of the jugs. Use a connector to secure them to the handle
AT ALL 3 INTERSECTIONS – Mark the inside of the turn direction: i.e. if the course is turning left, mark the left side of the road; if the course is turning right, mark the right side of the road.
Using at least 4 glow sticks at each turn:
1. just ahead of the turn
2. near side of the turn
3. far side of the turn
4. just past the turn
You should be able to see 3 glow sticks at any point in the turn
If we missed some marking, use the marking paint to make an arrow. Spray toward the shoulder where cars won’t drive over it and kill it.
If you encounter runners on the course, turn off your headlights and slow down so that you don’t blind them and cover them with dirt and dust.


Ouachita National Forest
Starting at Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Sag Wagon/Drop Shuttle

Sag Wagon/Drop Shuttle High Priority

You must be 21-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

July 20, 2024


The Sag Wagon drivers usually double as a drop shuttle as well. This person uses their own vehicle to pick up and transport back to the finish runners who have dropped from the race or who have missed the cutoff.

It is important to k eep headlights low to not blind runners, and drive slowly and not "dust off" the runners.

One sag wagon driver leaved for the 50K turnaround to pick up missed cutoff runners at 11:15 pm; a second sag wagon leaves around 1:30 to pick up from the 25K turnaround. In between those trips, sag drivers pick up injured and otherwise decided to quit.

You will need to keep a log of the numbers of the runners you pick up as they enter your vehicle, then report those numbers to the race director at the finish line.

It's a good idea to put a tarp down in your seats--these people will be sweaty and smell bad! Be sure to take water and sustenance for yourself with you.


Ouachita National Forest
Starting at Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Aid Station Crew

Aid Station Staff - No preference Medium Priority

You must be 18-99 years old to volunteer for this task.

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


We have 3 staffed aid stations along the course who need helpers to fill water bottles, restock food and generally encourage people along the course!
The 50K turnaround aid station closes down at 12 am
The 25K turnaround aid station closes down at 2 am
The Ouachita Trail aid station usually closes down at 3:30 am
The Grindstone aid station will shut down at 1 am
Aid station volunteer

The 50K Turnaround Aid Station High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

The 25K Turnaround Aid Station High Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

No volunteer spots remaining.

This volunteer task is full.

Grindstone Mountain Aid Station Medium Priority

You must be 18 or older to volunteer for this task.

Minimum met, 1 volunteer spot remaining.

Parking Crew

Parking Enforcer High Priority

July 20, 2024


First of all – thank you very much. This is one of the most thankless jobs that prima donna runners get fussy about. I have a couple of vests to make people do what you say.
You will have to put on your “stank” face and be mean to some people who deserve it!
1. Cars must park on the shoulder OPPOSITE the camp. They can make a line of cars 4 miles long as long as it is on the other side of the road.
Parking on the north side of the road costs $240 – no kidding; that’s the fine.
The only vehicles allowed to go down the driveway and park at the camp are emergency, radio and aid vehicles, and people who rented cabins. See list of highlighted people, and the cabin rental notecard. Don’t let runners or other volunteers follow an aid vehicle down the driveway; they will try!
We’ll have a bouncer at the driveway entrance with the list of approved parkers to let them through and turn the others away.
The parking enforcers will signal and park cars close, but not too tight, one behind the other from the driveway heading back to Highway 10/9 alternating with cars parking toward Lake Sylvia so we have people as close to the Start/Finish as possible.
You’ll have to walk along the highway stopping cars in the road to get them lined up. If they leave more than 6’ between the car in front of them, ask them to pull up closer.
If they look perplexed, just confirm they’re with the race and not just trying to get down to the campsite or swimming hole for some family time.

To alternate cars: Whoever is parking cars down toward Highway 10/9, park one car and send a car down the highway to be intercepted by the bouncer and send them to park down toward Lake Sylvia. Park one, send one, etc. If two cars park together, don’t worry, just send two down to keep it sorta even.

They are welcome to pay for parking at the Lake Sylvia Recreation/Park area (about half a mile from the start/finish) for $3. We are not collecting this $ or for those using the camping area. They will need to leave their $ in an envelope at the parking lot.
There is additional free parking another ½ mile down the road at the Day Use Area that holds about 20 more cars.


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Parking Captain High Priority

July 20, 2024


First of all – thank you very much. This is one of the most thankless jobs that prima donna runners get fussy about. I have a couple of vests to make people do what you say.
You will have to put on your “stank” face and be mean to some people who deserve it!
1. Cars must park on the shoulder OPPOSITE the camp. They can make a line of cars 4 miles long as long as it is on the other side of the road.
Parking on the north side of the road costs $240 – no kidding; that’s the fine.
The only vehicles allowed to go down the driveway and park at the camp are emergency, radio and aid vehicles, and people who rented cabins. See list of highlighted people, and the cabin rental notecard. Don’t let runners or other volunteers follow an aid vehicle down the driveway; they will try!
We’ll have a bouncer at the driveway entrance with the list of approved parkers to let them through and turn the others away.
The parking enforcers will signal and park cars close, but not too tight, one behind the other from the driveway heading back to Highway 10/9 alternating with cars parking toward Lake Sylvia so we have people as close to the Start/Finish as possible.
You’ll have to walk along the highway stopping cars in the road to get them lined up. If they leave more than 6’ between the car in front of them, ask them to pull up closer.
If they look perplexed, just confirm they’re with the race and not just trying to get down to the campsite or swimming hole for some family time.

To alternate cars: Whoever is parking cars down toward Highway 10/9, park one car and send a car down the highway to be intercepted by the bouncer and send them to park down toward Lake Sylvia. Park one, send one, etc. If two cars park together, don’t worry, just send two down to keep it sorta even.

They are welcome to pay for parking at the Lake Sylvia Recreation/Park area (about half a mile from the start/finish) for $3. We are not collecting this $ or for those using the camping area. They will need to leave their $ in an envelope at the parking lot.
There is additional free parking another ½ mile down the road at the Day Use Area that holds about 20 more cars.


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

Finish Line Crew

Finish Line Crew High Priority

July 21, 2024


We need all hands on deck once the runners start coming in to make sure everything moves smoothly. Includes trash duty, ensuring TP and paper towels are stocked on bathrooms, water/electrolytes are available.

We should have at least 7 people working the finish:


Race Start/Finish
Lake Sylvia

HAM Radio Operator

HAM Radio Operator Low Priority

At least 1 more volunteer needed.


The Faulkner County Amateur Radio monitors the locations of the runners throughout the race for the safety (and sanity) of all participants and staff. Crews are located at the two turnaround aid stations and at the start finish (net control). If you are a licensed operator, please complete the form and await instructions for the club captain, Frankie Parks, for the event.

Other Tasks

Ouachita Trail Aid Station High Priority

Minimum met.

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