Sinai House Donations Form
Proceeds and donations from this event will directly benefit funding Sinai House in its mission to enable families to move from homelessness to independence by providing safe and affordable housing, comprehensive social services and financial support. Sinai House serves eight families at a time, four in residence at Sinai House and four alumni living in the community. There are four fully-furnished apartments in Sinai House. Programs and professional services are tailored to help each member of the family reach individual goals in finance, education and employment. After living in Sinai House for two years, the family can choose to participate in our two-year post-residency program in which they will receive a tapering rent subsidy, some social services, and help in connecting to the services available to them in their new neighborhoods. The goal of Sinai House is to ensure that departing residents and their families maintain financial independence and thrive in future years. Please help us reach our ambitious fundraising goal. To learn more about Sinai House, visit
Sinai Assisted Housing Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Tax identification #52-1788685
Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) #73039
United Way National Capital Area Designation #9854
If you prefer to by check or through a charitable gift fund, please download the Sinai House Donation Form.
Click the icon below to download the attached PDF.