Series Leaderboard

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About this Race Series

THANK YOU to all our athletes and volunteers for a great 2024 $5K Race Series!!!

As a couple runners have pointed out, I made a slight mistake with the scoring last night.  Instead of comparing last nights scores with each runner's previous races, I simply added last night's score to each runner's total points.  I have since corrected that mistake and ONLY the FIVE FASTEST races for each athlete are included in the total points now.  We had 63 athletes who ran at least the required five races.  I will send an email with a PDF that shows those placements.  The final series standings for the top 25 are below.

After the correction, Ed and Nathan were still one and two; however, everyone else changed "positions".  There were four people who received awards who were NOT in the top 25 after the correction (my mistake, so keep the award anyway!).  The individuals in GREEN did not get recognized last night, but ARE in the top 25 after the correction!!  My apologies!!  I will make sure that each of them receives an award!

THANK YOU to BURKE STREET PIZZA for the food last night and to LULULEMON for the awards!!

THANK YOU also to everyone who donated to our charity partner, THE HELPING HAND PROJECT!!  We were able to raise $500.00 during the series!!


1. Ed Flowers                   3,975
2. Nathan Beamguard      3,914
3. Briana Welch                3,729
4. Ana Reutinger               3,717
5. Clare Barr                      3,671
6. Aaron Kramer                3,644
7. Mariana Wingood          3,640
8. Bobby Aswell Jr             3,633
9. Christopher Sabolcik      3,629
10. John Abernethy            3,606
11. Lucia Ellis                      3,606
12. Wendy Roberts Koeck   3,568
13. Jordan Stamper            3,544
14. Erin Kline                       3,514
15. Karen Preli                     3,510
16. Mike Maedjaja               3,505
17. Mitch Tucker                 3,458
18. Mitch Monroe               3,455
19. Robert Ricketts            3,406
20. Kathy Gasparini           3,389
21. Art Herns                     3,387
22. Riley Cartwright           3,343
23. Aaron Horton               3,337
24. Kylor Williams              3,328
25. B M Webster                3,324

THANK YOU AGAIN to everyone who raced and/or volunteered!!  Hope to see you all again in 2025!!

Terry Wilmoth, $5K race director and TCTC president

Registration for this race is limited to 150 participants.  After that, a wait list goes into effect. You will receive an email from the wait list and will then have 24 hours to register for the race.  Race Day registration is available only through participant devices.  No registration kiosks will be available at the race.

If you register for a $5K race but cannot make it to the race, please email the RD immediately at so you can be removed from the participant list and another runner can take your spot.  Anyone who registers for a race and then fails to show may not be allowed into the next race in the series.  Thank you!

The $5K is designed as a low-key race for the athletes who want to run a tune-up race to prepare for their targeted event, the novice who may be intimidated by the larger events, and runners/walkers who want an event to test themselves without breaking the bank.

The $5K Series is for those runners above who want to further challenge themselves by running a 5K every month for seven months.  Each runner receives points for running; after the last race, all points will be tallied and winners will receive awards at the end of the series party! (see Series Scoring below)

In order to be eligible for an award you must run in a minimum of 5 out of the 7 races!


Note that  registration opens on March 16 for ALL RACES in the series.

Tuesday, April 9 at 6:30pm  - Register Here
Tuesday, May 14 at 6:30pm  - Register Here
Tuesday, June 11 at 6:30pm  - Register Here
Tuesday, July 9 at 6:30pm  - Register Here
Tuesday, August 13 at 6:30pm  - Register Here
Tuesday, September 10 at 6:30pm  - Register Here-
Tuesday, October 8 at 6:00pm (Starting earlier for daylight finish, followed by Award Ceremony)  - Register Here

Series Scoring

Scoring will be based on CHIP TIME.  (see EXPLANATION below)


RunSignUp provides an "Age Percentage" grade for each race in the results.  We will use this column as the "points" earned by each runner.  Each runner's points will accumulate with each race run.  We will use only the top 5 races for each runner in determining awards at the end of the series.

For those unfamiliar with "age-graded scoring", it is a means of scoring a race that allows runners to compare their times to those of other runners regardless of gender and age.  It also allows a runner to compare their current 5K time to those of their "younger self".  For a more in-depth explanation, please Google "age-graded scoring".  You will find several sites that provide good explanations of age-graded scoring and why it is used.  TCTC's own Beat the Heat 5K used to use age-graded scoring!

Since age-graded scoring allows us to compare times regardless of gender and age, we will NOT have age group awards this year.

Awards will be given to the top 25 athletes.

EXPLANATION of Chip Scoring

Both USATF and RRCA require races to use "clock/gun time" as the official time for race awards and this is what almost every race uses, including TCTC races.  However, the $5K will be using CHIP TIME for all awards, placements, and series scoring.  The reason is because the start and first .15 mile of the race are extremely narrow; which means it is impossible to get all the fastest runners side-by-side at the start without the risk of possible unintentional elbowing and tripping.  In an effort to minimize the risk of injuries to our runners, using CHIP time means the fastest runners do NOT have to "jockey" for position at the start.  But that also means runners need to concentrate even more on their running, because crossing the finish line first does not guarantee that you were the fastest.

Select any race above to register for that race.

Contact Information

If you have any questions about this race series or its scoring, please use the following email address:

Included Events

$5K - April
$5K - April

Tuesday April 9, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - May
$5K - May

Tuesday May 21, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - June
$5K - June

Tuesday June 11, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - July
$5K - July

Tuesday July 9, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - August
$5K - August

Tuesday August 13, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - September
$5K - September

Tuesday September 10, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

$5K - October
$5K - October

Tuesday October 8, 2024
Winston-Salem, NC US

© 2025 RunSignup, Inc.  

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