Location: Seattle - Eastside - Shoreline - Everett, WA US 98007

How We Coach...

"We train each athlete as an individual.  We listen to you, watch you run (or ride), and together we design a program specifically for you-- based on YOUR unique abilities and goals.  YOU'LL NEVER RECEIVE A GENERIC, COOKIE-CUTTER, ONLINE WORKOUT FROM US.  NEVER."


We believe the successes our athletes have achieved are a result of THEIR hard-work, first and foremost.  What you put in, is what you'll get out.  There are no shortcuts or magical beans. You will get fast by training smart-- and training consistently and injury-free.  We are here to provide you direction, structure, insight and motivation so you can get the most out of your training. 

Whether you want to be faster or go farther, or both-- with your feedback, we'll develop your customized plan utilizing our Individual Periodization Approach (IPA)  to get you to your goal.

The IPA methodology utilizes training cycles (Macro/Meso/Micro) with progressive overload and strategic recovery to systematically improve your fitness.  Our proven protocol incorporates hard/easy training days, while stressing and resting your energy systems (muscular & neurological), as the athlete progresses up/down the:

Competitive Fitness Pyramid (CFP)


             Speed   Recovery               

      Strength             Assess(2)

Base     ⇐   Assess(1)         Revise

First, we Assess your current fitness utilizing our proprietary FGS Coaching Training Metric with Adaptive Algorithms tool and extensive Athlete Questionnaire & Goal Review.  Based on our conversations, assessments and bio-metric data we'll develop a dynamic training program customized specifically to your needs and race goals; an over-arching Training Macrocycle, usually 16-26 weeks.  (Unlike the static training programs you can purchase online, our program changes as you progress-- at your own pace; based on your fitness, goals and bio-mechanics.  It's not one program fits all.  Each runner is different and requires-- and receives-- an individualized, always evolving, program.) 

NOTE:  Within the Macrocycle will be 4-6 Mesocycles or the Phases listed above in the CFP.  (Base, Strength, Speed, Tamper, Race, Recovery)   During these 2-10 weeks cycles you will still do runs that activate all or most of the energy systems detailed in each Phase below.  (So a typical week for an experienced/fit runner may include Easy/Base, Tempo/Strength, and Interval/Speed workouts.)  However, we will focus more on specific energy-systems depending on which Phase you are in.   (This means during your Speed Phase/Mesocycle you will run more speed workouts, as a higher percentage of your weekly mileage than if you were in a Base Phase.  But you still may also run Base and Strength workouts, as well... just less mileage proportionally.) 

To further emphasize a specific energy-system you can also utilize a 7-day Microcycle.  These cycles are typically used to quickly address a deficiency in your training or to enhance your capabilities for specific requirement of an upcoming race/event.

We start building the foundation to your new running success with your Base Phase-- aerobic running to increase cardiovascular fitness, muscle endurance, and to facilitate changes within blood vessels/capillaries and at a cellular level with mitochondria. 

Once your fitness is sufficiently established we'll progress on to your Strength Phase-- where we focus on improving your running economy and processing oxygen (the fuel for your muscles) by training at/just below your lactate-threshold/LT.  (LT is the point where your bloodstream and muscles are overwhelmed with lactic acid... aka that burning sensation your feel when your muscles really tire/tie-up near the end of a race.)   As your lactate- threshold increases, you are able to process the lactic acid more efficiently and run faster/farther. 

Next we get to the fine-tuning-- your Speed Phase.  (Also called Peak Phase.)  Here we are increasing your VO2max (how much oxygen you can uptake/consume.)   It's how efficiently your "engine" can process the increased fuel/O2 you can now deliver because of your Base Phase workouts. 

Now that the hard work is done-- the "hay is in the barn," it's time to reap what you so diligently sowed.  We'll Tamper you for a few days to a few weeks, depending on your race distance.  During this time we decrease your mileage substantially, but not the pace.  This recharges the body and mind from all this specialized training.  We'll talk about the race, the race course and race-day strategies.  Now you are a fitter and faster athlete-- rested and ready to Race!

A few days after your race, you'll start Recovery Phase-- based on your physiology, biometric data, the impact of the previous race and your goals for your next race. 

Then we'll Assess your race performance and post-race fitness utilizing our proprietary FGS Coaching Training Metric with Adaptive Algorithms  tool.

And finally, we'll Revise your individualized training program to optimize future performance based on your unique biometric/heart-rate monitor data and FGSC Training Metric generated parameters.  We'll have you bypass Assess(1) and move directly to a new Base Phase, beginning a new Training Macrocycle.

You'll Be Fitter And Faster Now-- 
Able to start a new training cycle building from a stronger base than before; adequately rested and ready to mix in longer distances, shorter rest intervals and quicker paces... and ultimately, achieving even faster race times.


We respect your limited time to train and your financial investment in your fitness.  Each workout has a purpose.  Our exclusive biometric/heart-rate monitor based cardio programs don't include junk miles or unproven, but trendy, exercises or workout routines.  We figure out what works best for you "New School" or "Old School."  It doesn't matter; we utilize the best from both worlds.  What does matter...  Is it safe?  Is it healthy?  Does it work for YOU? 

"We don't believe in wasting your time or effort.  We do believe in helping you get the results-- you want!"

And, we'll definitely have some FUN along the way-- as we challenge your energy-systems with new stimuli to promote growth, fitness and speed with our progressive training methodology, outlined on this page.


"Our #1 goal is training you injury-free... while helping you achieve-- 
       -- your maximum fitness with the minimum time and effort necessary."


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