Ultra Pirate Race Recaps
Ahoy, get ready for a look into this Outer Banks adventure, matey! Below you can view experiences from previous Blackbeard's Revenge 100 finishers. Some have crossed the finish line numerous times, some have endured some of the most brutal conditions the Outer Banks has thrown our way, and some attempted this journey multiple times before conquering the finish. We will be working to add a variety of experiences here to best prepare you before heading to the start line.
Suzy Goodwin pictured above in 2024; photo by photo journalist SGT Gerald Holman, 3rd SFG
1. Suzy Goodwin: 2020 (virtual), 2023, & 2024 100 Mile finisher
"I signed up for Blackbeard’s Revenge 100 after reading The Comfort Crisis by Michael Easter. In his book, he describes the concept of 'misogi'. Misogi is a Japanese term that broadly means taking on a challenge that pushes you to your limits and forces you to confront your fears, doubts, and weaknesses. I trained for this race back in 2020 and it was COVID-canceled a week prior. Ended up doing it virtually (here’s my recap, which includes an audio journal on my now-retired podcast). This year wasn’t necessary for redemption; I was satisfied with my virtual experience. It was about doing something hard on purpose..." Read Suzy's 2023 Blackbeard's Revenge 100 recap here.
"Even days after the event, I can’t even really mentally categorize it as a 'race' because the conditions made it so far beyond any challenging race I’ve ever done (including the exact same event last year). This is the only race in my life (72 marathons, 10+ ultras including two other 100 milers) where I didn’t know if I’d finish." Read Suzy's 2024 Blackbeard's Revenge 100 recap here.