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20th Annual Buffalo Creek Half Marathon

Saturday, October 18, 2024 at 9:00 am Cabot, PA 16023 US Directions

ED DOYLE (1953-2020)


Ed Doyle was well-known and respected in the running community of Western Pennsylvania and beyond.  Ed loved running and wanted everyone else to love running.  For Ed running was not only about competition, but was about relationships, mentorship, benefiting the community and fun.

In 2003, Ed was able to fulfill his dream of opening his own running store. Up-N-Running in Valencia became the place for quality athletic equipment for runners and walkers with a personal touch.  Ed knew running, Ed knew runners and Ed knew shoes and all the gear to help runners train, compete and reach goals and to enjoy running from youth to old age. As an independent business owner, Ed was able to provide customers with personalized attention, sponsor runners and running teams, act as race director of races to benefit the community, provide swag for countless races, and support charities such as the Alzheimer’s Association and Glade Run Lake Conservancy.  Ed had the privilege to retire and pass the Up-N-Running store to a son and daughter-in-law. Up-N-Running stores are now located in Valencia and Ebensburg.

Ed was instrumental in the founding of the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon in 2006.  Ron Bennett, the founding and long-time president of Butler-Freeport Community Trail Council, wanted to ensure the sustainability of community support for the development, maintenance and promotion of the Trail. Ron thought that a Trail Council-sponsored race as a fund-raiser on the Trail could provide that sustainability, introduce the Trail to more people and be just plain fun. Ron reached out to Ed and Ed enthusiastically got on board.  Ed said it should be a half-marathon in the Fall and the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon on the 3rd Saturday in October was born.  Throughout the first 15 years of the race, Ed was an active advisor and supporter for the race.  Most years, Ed acted as the MC of the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon, announcing the start of the race, calling out the names of runners at the finish line, and announcing medal winners. The 2021 16th Annual Buffalo Creek Half Marathon was dedicated to Ed Doyle.

The loss of Ed Doyle to Covid-19 in December 2020 was not only heartbreaking and tragic to his family and friends but also to the community and those of us at the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon.  Ed Doyle will be remembered as a family-man, loyal friend, generous mentor, fun-loving competitor, and Shoe-Whisperer.

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