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20th Annual Buffalo Creek Half Marathon

Saturday, October 18, 2024 at 9:00 am Cabot, PA 16023 US Directions

DON AMADEE (1965-2016)


Don Amadee was on the ground floor of both the Butler Freeport Community Trail (1992) and the Buffalo Creek Half Marathon (2006). He and his wife, Amy, supported the Trail from its inception and were among the volunteers who installed gates and bridge railing on the first section of Trail.  Don and Amy participated in the first Buffalo Creek Half Marathon.  Don’s streak of 10 consecutive Buffalo Creek Half Marathon ended with his unexpected passing in July 2016. Amy continued her streak of consecutive BCHM.

Don was the general manager for the Municipal Authority of Buffalo Township and served  the community privately and publicly in many ways. Don Amadee is honored by the permanent bench located just south of the Monroe Road Trailhead.


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