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20th Annual Buffalo Creek Half Marathon

Saturday, October 18, 2024 at 9:00 am Cabot, PA 16023 US Directions


The Buffalo Creek Half Marathon is presented as a race, not a walking event.  We do welcome first-time half-marathoners, older runners and differently-abled runners. However, we expect that all runners have trained and are capable of completing the race in approximately 3 hours or less.  Please aim for an average of a 13.75 minute mile or better.  NO WALKERS.  DO NOT participant if you think you cannot complete the course within 3 hours.

The Race Facility closes at 12:30 pm including food, drink and first-aid.  As this is a point-to-point course, water stations and first-aid stations along the course close at appropriate time intervals.  For example, you should expect the first (2 mile) water station to be closed 30 minutes after the start of the race and the 4th (9 mile) water station with Gatorade to be closed 2 1/2 hours after the start of the race.  Our experienced bicycle escorts are authorized to require you to abandon the race if your time intervals indicate that you will not finish in a timely manner.

LAST SHUTTLE to Cabot Methodist Church is 12:30 pm.

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