- Swim
No parents are allowed on the pool deck except as permitted by the Swim Captain. This is for the safety of the participants. For the younger athletes 6 & Under, ONE parent will be permitted to accompany their athlete; no others will have pool deck access. No parents will be in the pool!
It is under the discretion of the Lifeguards and Swim Volunteers to pull your child from the pool if they do not think it is safe. NO CHILD WILL BE FORCED TO SWIM. They will be allowed to continue the triathlon once everyone in their wave has exited the water. Any child that is pulled from the swim is NOT eligible for awards but will still receive a medal.
If a swim aid is used, you must bring it. We will not provide swim aids. The only permitted swim aids are a personal flotation device (swim vest) or a kick board; be sure your child can swim if he/she loses grip on the kick board.
- Athlete should wear snug fitting swim suit only (no cotton or loose fitting shirts)
- Cotton gets wet and is heavy and a swim hazard in the water
- Snug fitting rash guards are ok as long as the athlete has experience swimming with them beforehand
- Athlete should be prepared to swim with their own goggles or swim cap if they use them
- Don’t leave shoes on deck
- Pool area is not shaded, be sure to apply sunscreen before dropping off athlete
- Make sure athlete is well hydrated
- Make use of the porta-potties BEFORE entering the pool area
- Two athletes to a lane; Any swim stroke is allowed; flip turns are allowed
- Lifeguards and/or volunteers will be assigned to monitor the lanes
We encourage all athletes to participate and have FUN, however on occasion some become apprehensive with the swim and change their mind about doing it at the last minute. This is OK, NO ONE has to get in the water for any reason if they don’t want to swim. ANY Parent/guardian trying to force an unwilling athlete to swim will be immediately removed.
Anyone not wanting to swim will simply be held on the swim deck until the last person in their wave has exited the water. The non-swimmer will then be allowed to continue the event by moving from the swim deck to the transition area. (Their race number will be noted and they will not be eligible for