Point Breeze Runners
Club Name: Point Breeze Runners
Club Information:
Welcome to PBR! We are a neighborhood running club located in Point Breeze. Our staple is weekly 3-5 mile runs on Monday evenings with drinks after. We love meeting other runners - we take our runs seriously, but socialize just as much!
Run Information:
Monday, 6:30pm starting at Manton Green (17th and Manton St.)
Saturday: 8:00am starting at Manton Green (17th and Manton St.)
Year Round; all conditions except active lightning.
Find More Information:
Website: Pointbreezerunners.straw.page
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/pointbreezerunners/
Instagram: @pointbreezerunners
Strava: https://www.strava.com/clubs/305042
Team Captains:
Andrew Kelly
Adrienne Pesce
Jon Radice