The Rules
The Mayor’s Cup Championship (the Meet) is a competition to determine the top running club (Club) in the City of Philadelphia. The Meet is composed of five running races of varying distances (Events) – 3.1 miles, 5 miles, 6.2 miles, 10 miles, and 13.1 miles. Each Club may enter an unlimited number of Competitors into the Meet. However, each Competitor may only run on behalf of one Club and may only enter one Event.
The competitor in each category (distance/age/participation type) from each Club to finish in each Event shall constitute a Club’s Scoring Competitors. Each Scoring Competitor will be assigned a score equal to the number of Scoring Competitors from other Clubs of the same category who they finish before. The Club’s Score will be the sum of Scores of their Scoring Competitors.
In plain English, if 29 clubs enter a participant in the men's 10K, the first team gets 29 points, the second team gets 28 points, and so on. Categories include men's, women's, and non-binary options for each distance, with separate options for either running/walking or wheelchair participation. The number of points available in a given category depends on the number of clubs who enter that category.