Create an Age Graded Relay Team
A relay team can have as little as 2 members and a maximum of 10 members.
There are two ways to set up and pay for your team:
- Individual Payments (typically teams with less than 10):
- One team member registers first and creates the team.
- Each additional member then signs up individually, pays their own entry fee, and joins the team.
- Group Payment:
- One person (or company) registers and pays the full team fee up front.
- Every subsequent member then joins the team at no extra cost.
Team Registration:
- The first team member to register creates the team name.
- Each subsequent member registers individually and joins the team.
- Every relay member also competes individually in the 5-mile race, with separate awards. For instance, if you run the fastest 5-mile split within the relay, you’ll receive 1st place in the individual 5-mile results.
Competitive Teams:
- If you’re aiming for the overall grand prize, you must run the relay in true relay fashion—one runner at a time. No exceptions.
Non-Competitive Teams
- Teams not competing for the overall win may run two members at once to finish sooner and enjoy the Southern Tour experience.
- Running two runners together disqualifies your team from overall prizes, but members are still eligible for individual 5-mile awards.
Minimum Participation:
- All relay team members must complete at least one 5-mile loop.
Age-Grading and Handicaps:
- Team times are adjusted based on age and gender to level the playing field.
- The fastest team isn’t always the winner, as handicaps can influence final results.
Packet Pickup:
- One representative should pick up the entire team’s packet, which includes team bibs, shirts, camping passes, batons, and any add-ons.
- All team members receive their own bib, tied to their name and age.
Equipment & Order of Running:
- Each team member must wear their assigned bib and carry the team’s baton (equipped with a timing chip) during their run.
- The baton must be handed off between runners and must cross all checkpoints and the finish line.
- You can run in any order you choose, but every participant must wear their bib and use the team baton.
Losing the Baton:
- If you lose your baton, your team is disqualified.
- The winning relay team receives one trophy and $800.
- The fastest overall team (gross time) receives $200.
- The trophy is engraved with the winning team’s name each year and passed on annually.
- Top 5 mile splits earn overall awards. If you run multiple laps for your team, only your first lap is counted toward 4 mile individual results
Aid Stations:
- One aid station is located around the halfway point, offering water, Gatorade, gels, and bananas.
- The event campsite serves as a second aid station.
Handicap System Details:
- Each individual’s age and gender factor into a handicap percentage, which reduces the team’s overall time.
- Women add an additional 10% to the age-based handicap.
- The combined handicap adjusts the team’s final time. A lower handicap percentage reduces the final time more.
- It’s a strategic mix of speed and handicaps, not just pure pace.
- A runner's handicap is only worth 10% toward the entire team's overall percentage even if they run twice or have less than 10 runners.
Handicap Chart:
- Women: Add +10% to the applicable age percentage below.
- Ages (Males base, add 10% for Females):
- 9 & under: 10%
- 10: 9%
- 11: 8%
- 12: 7%
- 13: 6%
- 14: 5%
- 15: 4%
- 16–39: 0%
- 40: 1% (and so forth, adding 1% per year until 49)
- 50–54: 14%
- 55–59: 18%
- 60–64: 21%
- 65–69: 26%
- 70+: 30%
Relay Rules Summary:
- There’s no required running order, but the first runner must check in the team before the start.
- Each runner’s first leg counts toward their individual 5-mile results so everyone in the race receives a 5 mile split
- Handicaps are applied to determine the final adjusted team time.
- Any team changes must be made before the race or risk disqualification.
Have fun, plan strategically, and enjoy the Southern Tour experience!