Joe McGirl
Title/Position: Owner of E.S.B. Electric inc and Dakom Service inc.
Town, State: Nyack, NY (originally Kiltubrid, Co. Leitrim)
Tell us about yourself and your family life:
Joe McGirl was born in a rural parish called Kiltubrid in County Leitrim. Joe along with his siblings Michael, Christina, Mary and Sean were reared on the family farm by his father and mother, John Joe (Deceased) and Bridgie McGirl. Joe married Brona Conroy on New Year's Eve 1995 and raised their three kids in Nyack, NY. Emma graduated Cornell University and works in Austin Texas, Aoife Graduated Duke University and works in Cincinnati, and Eoin Graduated Manhattan College and works in Saratoga Springs.
Tell us about your professional life:
After serving an apprenticeship with The E.S.B. in Ireland he moved to New York in 1983 and worked with McCaffrey/McGovern Electric Inc. Joe is the owner of E.S.B. Electric inc and Dakom Service inc since 1987. Joe’s passion for Gaelic games started in Kiltubrid and led him to a two-decade involvement with Rockland GAA, coaching multiple teams and serving as Chairman for three years 2019-2021. His involvement in the purchase, development and management of the state of the art 14 acre facility is among his proudest achievements.
What is your connection to Project Children?
Joe's introduction to Project Children was through his life long friend and fellow ambassador, Dermot Kelly, assisting him with soliciting corporate sponsorship for the annual ‘Kruise for Kids’. Brona also worked with Denis Mulcahy on Habitat for humanity in Tuscaloosa Alabama.
Do you have a favorite PC memory?
Tell us what it means to be a PC ambassador for the PC Picnic and 5k and the Move to Monaghan:
Joe is extremely honored to have been asked to be a PC ambassador, especially for the up coming PC picnic & 5K Event at his second home, Rockland GAA. His family’s friendship with Denis and Miriam Mulcahy is something he treasures dearly.