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Virtual Challenge 4ourHearts

Fri September 25 - Sun October 4 SKN Foundation, NJ 08844 US

Shriya Bhargava - Team SRA

Hi, my name is Shriya and I am a rising Junior at Hillsborough High School. From a young age, I have had a passion for being active. I have been learning classical Indian dancing and have been a part of a competitive Bollywood dance team since the age of 4.  In my early years I also actively played soccer and tennis.  I've been keeping up a healthy living style the past few months by going on walks/hikes with my family, doing yoga, taking online dance classes, and incorporating healthier foods into my meals! 

From a young age, I have been introduced to the benefits a good and healthy lifestyle can have on your physical and mental health. Through school and my parents, I was taught about the severity of cardiovascular issues and how it affects millions of people in the country alone, including several of my very own family members. Since then, I have always made it a priority to be active in some sort of way to try and prevent these cardiovascular diseases. By being a youth ambassador, I hope to have a great platform where I can help educate others (old and young) on this issue and how they can incorporate a healthy lifestyle into their everyday routine!


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