Changing Footprints
Bring your used shoes to the EXPO!
CF History
After watching a news program about children without shoes in Afghanistan, Maureen Leisure
was saddened by the wounds on the children’s feet and resulting infections, which often led to
amputation of all or part of a limb. She wondered why any child anywhere in the world would be
shoeless when many Americans have a closet of shoes gathering dust. Inspired to create a
remedy for this problem, Maureen spoke with co-worker Bob Broughton, and they decided that
together, they could make a difference by collecting, qualifying, and distributing good quality
used shoes. Changing Footprints was founded in 2004, and became an authorized 501C3 nonprofit
shortly thereafter.
As the donated shoes poured in, they were stored in Maureen’s living room in Rushville and
Bob’s garage in Indianapolis.. Maureen and Bob began contacting social service agencies and
making shoe deliveries on evenings and weekends. The first disaster relief shipment of 500
pairs of shoes left shortly thereafter when Hurricane Katrina struck New Orleans. In those first
few years, Changing Footprints shoes reached Afghanistan and were distributed by the military
to those in need.
In the following three years, efforts expanded as the Rushville and North Indianapolis
organizations began to acquire dedicated volunteers. The “founding group” expanded with key
volunteers in South Indianapolis and Greenfield, each forming a Changing Footprints location in
their areas. Ft. Wayne joined as the fifth location in the next decade, and continues the tradition
that each group collects and distributes shoes in the manner that fits them locality, whether that
is a “free shoe store”, local community giveaway, or distribution through other community-facing
organizations and nonprofits.
While Changing Footprints shoes have been distributed in more than 23 countries worldwide, CF
began early on to develop a significant emphasis on local needs. Today, 70% of donated shoes
land on the feet of local residents within 10 miles of the collection point. Changing Footprints
believes that helping their local neighbors creates the love to help neighbors around the world.
Over their 17 year history, Changing Footprints has stayed true to their vision. It is still a 100%
volunteer organization, expanding to five locations across the state. As their mission states, the
focus is on supplying shoes to anyone in need regardless of race, religion, gender or ethnicity. In
2022, Changing Footprints distributed their 500,000th pair of shoes. At the current rate of
115,000 pairs of shoes per year, Changing Footprints is realizing their dream, and changing the
world - two feet at a time.
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