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2025 Upstate Orthopedics Mountain Goat Run (47th Annual)

Always the 1st Sunday in May! Syracuse, NY 13202 US Directions

Our Goat 4 Lifers

#1 - Michael Koval:

How long have you been running?  About 7 years

Favorite running memory?  Besides running and finishing my 1st Mountain Goat Run? Probably the feeling of accomplishment finishing my 1st 5k, CNY Gay 5k, after weeks of anxiety leading up to it.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  As a way to leave my mark on a race I love!

Best running accomplishment?  Running and finishing both my 1st and 2nd marathons. 

Future running plans?  More marathons and maybe a BQ soon

#2 - Maryann Roefaro: 

How long have you been running?  I’ve been running for 11 years. 

Favorite running memory?  My favorite running memory is finishing my first marathon - Wineglass- at 55 years old with my daughter Angela screaming at the finish line. We both cried! 

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  Love the Goat - never easy - wanted to support the race. 

Best running accomplishment?  Every day I can run with health & happiness! Ask me when I’m 90… praying I’ll still be running!

Future running plans?  Turning 64 soon … future plans … keep running! 

#3 - Lisa A Chaudhuri:

How long have you been running?  10 years or so. Believe it or not, I use to be that kid that did anything I could to avoid running in gym class. 

Favorite running memory?  A year into the pandemic I was struggling to think of what to do for my daughter's 5th birthday. Her birthday is in March and at that time many parents were still not doing indoor parties so my options were limited. She's enjoyed ruining for short stints with my husband and I so I thought maybe we could do a birthday fun run for her. I mentioned this to a group of friends, who also run, and before I knew it we had a frozen (she loved the frozen movies) themed fun run planned, complete with awards and medals. Needless to say, she loved it! 

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  To make sure I stay active. Nothing motives me more to run than an upcoming race. Now I'll always have an upcoming race... for life!

Best running accomplishment?  Getting back in shape to run a half marathon after the birth of my daughter. 

Future running plans?  Nothing specific. Possibly a half in the fall. 

#4 - Matthew Chaudhuri


#5 - Aaron Gerega


#6 - Adam Effler:

How long have you been running?  I've always been a bit of a runner, ever since I was a kid.  I started running competitively in high school and acted as Captain of the Nottingham Cross Country team.

Favorite running memory?  Shenanigans with my high school team.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  I've run the Goat every year for nearly 15 years.  I enjoy participating in the community event- the goat acts as an annual spring tradition for me.

Best running accomplishment?  I ran a sub-seven minute mile at the Goat a couple of years ago.  That's fairly fast for me for a 10-mile stretch.

Future running plans?  I just want to stick with it and keep having fun!

#7 - Dennis Delaney:

How long have you been running?  1996.  Moved to LA- No friends, no family around.  Saw a bulletin board advertisement for the LA Marathon.  Started training....still running.

Favorite running memory?  Crossing the finish line at Boston- 2003

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  Thought it would be a good investment.  If I am alive, I figured I would probably be healthy enough to run.

Best running accomplishment?  2015.  Had a Gold (1st in the Ludden 5K), Silver (2nd in the Eastwood 5 miler), and Bronze (3rd in the LeMoyne 5K).

Future running plans?  Nothing big.  Avoid the injuries today, so I can run tomorrow.

#8 - Mary Swan:

How long have you been running?   I've been running for many years, with occasional breaks for life's circumstances.

Favorite running memory?   I have been fortunate to have experienced several long training runs through beautiful parks and mountainous regions.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  I wanted to support this great race.

Best running accomplishment?  In retrospect, it was a huge accomplishment every time starting back to run after getting out of shape.

Future running plans?  Keep going.

#9 - Bradley Fetes


#10 - Susan Hubbard


#11 - Timothy Riccardi:

How long have you been running?   I have been running since the 7th grade, but had some big gap years because of kids, work and some injuries (mostly plantar fasciitis).

Favorite running memory?  Probably meeting my wife after the Hartshorne mile in 2013

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  I have been running the Mountain Goat since my late teenage years.  This race has special meaning to my family going back to when my brother in law ran it with us.  I also wanted to support the Syracuse Track Club, Fleet Feet and Leone Timing for all their efforts.

Best running accomplishment?  I was the third man on the WMA M60 USA team for Poland last year that won the gold medal in spite of me,  but probably breaking 2 hours in a 20 mile race as a 22 year old.  Those were the days.  I remember  being at the ten mile point and not being winded.  I can barely get under 6:00 for one mile now.  Age grading is a wonderful thing, embrace it.

Future running plans? Mary and I will likely run WMA in Sweden next year and try to do as many of those as we can. I am going to keep running as long as I can.  I have a master plan to dominate the weight events when I hit 90 years old.  I have been looking at my 95 year old mom and this gives me hope.

#12 - Timothy McIntyre:

How long have you been running?  On and off for ~30 years.

Favorite running memory?  As a teenager I ran from my house in Camillus to a friends house in Otisco (about 18 miles). My longest run before that was 8 miles. It was a perfect day and altered my entire outlook upon life. “The body quits long after the mind.” Mr. V.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? $500 for the rest of my life seems like a bargain.

Best running accomplishment?  I have one marathon under my belt.

Future running plans?  Just hoping to stay healthy and keep doing this for as long as my body will let me.

#13 - Columbia Warren:

How long have you been running? I ran inconsistently in high school and college, then started to run more after college when my friend got me out to do early morning runs regularly. I then tried a few short races and eventually was caught up in the marathon craze of the early 2000s.

Favorite running memory? I have many favorites, including qualifying for and then running Boston with friends, running the Boilermaker with friends, running with my daughter, and running a long run on Mount Desert Island (Maine) with my girlfriend (now wife) as we trained for our first marathon together. We ran 18 miles - more than I had ever done before - up the center of the island through Acadia National Park, then back down the coast. Accompanying that great memory is the not-so-great memory of realizing we read the map wrong and had to walk over two miles back to our car...

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? The Mountain Goat is such a great race that I rave about to friends. It's well-organized and has great crowd support - the drummers are excellent! I love the challenge of the hills, it's a great distance, and its position on the calendar is a great motivator for ramping up after the winter.

Best running accomplishment? Running sub-3 hour marathons at Detroit and Mohawk Hudson.

Future running plans? Avenging my broken foot at Lucifer's Crossing (Ithaca) in June and the Vilnius (Lithuania) Marathon in September.

#14 - Dana Finch:

How long have you been running?  I’ve been running for 8 years.

Favorite running memory?  My favorite running memories are always watching friends complete races that I talked them in to signing up for that they didn’t think they were capable of. 

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  The Mountain Goat is my all time favorite race. The course is so much fun and the spectator support is amazing. Plus there are glazed and confused donuts at the finish! 

Best running accomplishment?  Completing a 50K

Future running plans? Excited to do all three Peak 2 Brew relays with friends this year.  

#15 - Douglas Farfaglia:

How long have you been running?  I have been running around 15 years. I like to do the Mountain Goat, Boilermaker, Ithaca Gorges, and It's a Wonderful Run 5k each year.

Favorite running memory?  My favorite running memory was running my first Boilermaker in the early 2000's. I had to make an impromptu pit stop in the woods because due to nerves!

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  My wife gifted me Goat for Life as a Christmas present. It is almost my favorite race to run each year.

Best running accomplishment?  Running 4 half marathons in a year.

Future running plans?  Get back in shape and run even more.

#16 - Tracy Clouthier

How long have you been running?  Since 2011.

Favorite running memory?  The first time I completed a well-paced marathon.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  Every time I run this race, it makes me happy to call the Syracuse area home.

Best running accomplishment?  I feel good about keeping up with it for over a decade and through a number of life changes.

Future running plans?  No major plans or goal races at the moment, but I am currently working on training my younger dog to run with me.

#17 - Stacy Underwood:

How long have you been running?  I have been running since 2013. My friend roped me into doing a 5k mud run/obstacle course. As soon as I crossed that finish line, I was absolutely hooked on running.       

Favorite running memory?  My favorite memory is running a (trail) Ragnar race. Cruising through trails at all hours of the day and night as the rain trickled through the trees. Something about that experience just made me feel like I was connected with the environment that I was exploring. 

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  The Mountain Goat is honestly my favorite race and the course is something that I want to run over and over again. Now, when someone asks me "Hey Stace, are you running the Goat?" I can enthusiastically respond: "For the rest of my life!"

Best running accomplishment?  I managed a Half Marathon PR at this year's NYC Half (despite being too nervous to look at my pace until the last mile or so). 

Future running plans?  I have been working hard to see if I can pull off a PR at the Mountain Goat this year. Plus, I have the Mount Washington Road Race coming up in June. 7.6 miles up a mountain...what a challenge that will be!

#18 - Matt Funiciello:

How long have you been running? On and off for 15 years. My friend Jim, who is now also a Goat 4 Lifer, and my now wife got me consistently back into it about 5 years ago.

Favorite running memory? The entire year of 2023 was a favorite memory for my running career, running in 5 different races and joining the Nottingham runners in our neighborhood.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? I thought the money would be well spent as an investment in my health and support for the local running community in the city that I love and don't plan to leave!

Best running accomplishment? PR's in both the 2022 Paige's Butterfly Run and 2023 Mountain Goat

Future running plans? Continue to support the donut shops (Harrison Bakery, Glazed & Confused etc) after weekend runs. Next I need to look into a Donut 4 Life program.  

#19 - James Marsallo:

How long have you been running?  I have been running since 2007.

Favorite running memory?  Running with my family every year in the Turkey Trot.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  My goal is to keep running the Goat until I hit age 80.

Best running accomplishment?  Conquering the Goat the morning after my friend’s 40th birthday party.

Future running plans?  Running the Goat and some 5ks every year to keep challenging myself and keep my body in motion

#20 - Patti Ford:

How long have you been running?  Started running about 1979 to help me quit smoking, so about 43 years.

Favorite running memory?  Monday Madness runs (3200 meter run under 6 min/mile pace) at Manley Field House with Ed Stabler, Terry McConnell, and Steve Nix.  We rotated the lead every 800m.  We did this most every Monday for many years--even after long Sunday runs. Brutal but fun!

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  I consider Mountain Goat Run the race that convinced me I was a "real" distance runner. Many people train for Mountain Goat annually and the event creates opportunities to make life-long friendships with good people who know how to work hard and play hard and enjoy the feeling of accomplishment that comes with it. My Goat time in 1983 remains my 10-mile personal best and one of my most memorable wins ever.  I am glad I am in a position to give back a little bit and hope that it helps this race continue to improve people's lives like it did mine.

Best running accomplishment?  I think I'd say my 3,000m run at Indoor Masters Nationals in 2000 was my best performance athletically, but I also liked my Boilermaker 55:58 in 1999. I was a late starter, so most of my PR's were when i was 40-44 years old.

Future running plans?  I've had foot problems in the last 2 years and haven't been able to run much, but I'm working on getting a good foot doc so I can run more than half a mile at a time again. I'd like to get back to running 4-5 times a week at least a 5k each time with a 5-6 miler or more on a weekend day.  A friend and colleague of mine are registered for the Goat Relay this year, and I'll need to run/walk it at this point, but it's a great motivation for me to finish it and get back at it.  Who know, I might even run the 10 miler again. That would be a great accomplishment for me now. And if my body doesn't cooperate, there's always participating as a volunteer, so either way I can enjoy it.

#21 - Ken Stack:

How long have you been running? On and off for a few years then consistently since 2013.

Favorite running memory? Creating "double 5k day" in 2019 by running an AM then PM 5K on the same day.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? This is one way for me to support our local Syracuse running community. I aspire for us to be first in upstate new york as a destination, gold standard running culture then beyond. The Mountain Goat Run is THE local signature race worthy of being a destination race for any local or out of area runner. 

Best running accomplishment? Making the training commitment to complete the Philadelphia Marathon in 2022, my only 26.2 effort, at 7:47 pace. 

Future running plans? God laughs when we think we control our future however I still expect more PRs for the 5k, 15k, 10 miler, and half marathon and watching a key member of my race team, 4 year old Henry, who is already a Kid's Half Mile runner, growing up.

#22 - Donna O'Byrne:

How long have you been running?  I started running in 6th grade for modified track (too many years to count lol) and I have been running ever since then.

Favorite running memory?  I have so many fun running memories. This one is from the first time I ran the Boston marathon. We used to put our names on the front of our shirts with electrical tape. When I ran by Boston College, the students all started singing in unison "Oh Donna" by Ritchie Valens. The crowd support there is amazing!

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  The Goat has always been my favorite race. I started running it when the course still included the water tower hills. So much fun!

Best running accomplishment?  I guess I'd have to say the Sehgahunda Trail Marathon which runs through Letchworth State Park. I unfortunately hit a deer on the way to the marathon in the morning and had to quickly find new transportation to the race. I started the race 15 minutes behind the rest of the pack. I was able to catch up and win my age group (without a chip start). I have run 14 other marathons but this was the hardest of them all. It was my only trail marathon. 

Future running plans?  I mostly run trails now and I only run the roads for my favorite road races like the Goat. My goals are to stay healthy and keep running for many more years!

#23 - Christopher Straile:

How long have you been running?  Since high school, 2000

Favorite running memory?  Running the growler relay in Ashburn, VA

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  I see myself running this race for the rest of my life 

Best running accomplishment? Completing a 1/2 Ironman 

Future running plans? Maybe a marathon but most likely more triathlons

#24 - June Dolan:

How long have you been running? I started running in Nov. 2007, when I trained for my first marathon-Chicago in Oct 2008

Favorite running memory? Crossing the finish line in my first marathon.  I cried in the arms of the poor unsuspecting young man who gave me my medal.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? It was a no-brainer! The Goat is very special to me for oh, so many reasons!  It was my first road race EVER in May of 2008, and I have participated in it every year since (even ran the full course in 2020 when the race was virtual). I loved the race so much my first year, I vowed to run it every year – so it was even a sound financial decision! My son ran his first Goat with me in 2016 and 2017 until he began serving his country in the Air Force.  In 2018, my nephew and Godson Jameson took the baton and has run by my side every year since.  He’s a GFL too! Each year at the Goat, I wear a commemorative shirt honoring 3 special young men who lost their lives too soon.  Underneath I wear my RWB shirt and stand with my fellow Eagles for the National Anthem.  I moved to Tennessee in 2022 but am still committed to participating every year.  I can’t stress enough how much I love the Goat, and being a Goat for Life is another way to express that.  I am so glad it was made possible!

Best running accomplishment?  Completing the 2020 Dopey Challenge (4 days in a row, 5K, 10K, Half & Full Marathon) in Disney.  

Future running plans?  Just keep moving. I am no speedster, but love running.  Injuries and age are catching up with me, but I’ll be on the Goat course as long as can move –  even if Jamie has to push me in a wheelchair!

#25 - Jameson Squilla:

How long have you been running?  First run was 2018 so just about 5 years

Favorite running memory?  Running with the American Flag at the Mountain Goat

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? It has become a tradition for my Aunt June and I to run this race together ever since I did it for the first time in 2019

Best running accomplishment? Not 100% running but completing the Ironman World Championship in 2022

Future running plans? Wineglass Marathon in October, Ironman Texas at the end April then I'm crazy enough to do the Mountain goat again a week after.

#26 - Bryant Farley:


#27 - Michael John Jones:


#28 - Tracy Duerr:


#29 - Adam Duerr:


#30 - Chris Bianchi:


#31 - Erik Quilty:


#32 - Richard Terpening:

How long have you been running? I ran cross country in middle school and fell in love with long distance running. I even ran the Mountain Goat one year while I was in middle school. I started road racing seriously in 1995 and ran distances between the 5k and the marathon. 

Favorite running memory? Coaching my children when they became interested in foot races. And two of my daughters completed the 10 mile Mountain Goat when they were in Middle school.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? It was a gift. And a perfect gift because it is my favorite road race. I ran it many times and the course goes through my neighborhood.

Best running accomplishment? I have won many races, however, finishing 2nd in the Mountain Goat is my biggest accomplishment because I had a goal to one day finish in the top 3.

Future running plans?  My future running plans is to participate in the Mountain Goat every year “ being a Goat for Life”.

#33 - Nick Mozzetti: 

How long have you been running?  Was always into soccer as a youth, once I went off to med school I had no time for but it was an easy transition to switch to running. I used it to stay fit and relax from studies.

Favorite running memory?  Runners retreat in arizona. Playing in the desert and leaping cactii!

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? I figured i'll be here for a bit lol.

Best running accomplishment? Placing 1st in age at the cortland triathlon I was pretty deep in back and the running saved me lol.

Future running plans? Paiges, Strathmore, Boilermaker, Ragnar NJ, possibly next runners retreat in Estonia!


#34 - Jennifer Berman:


#35 - Ryan Dague:


#36 -  Elizabeth Petrelli:

How long have you been running?  I have been running since I joined modified cross country with my two best friends in 2008. 

Favorite running memory?  Completing my first full marathon in Philadelphia surrounded my a group of amazing friends and family, cheering & running. Finishing the race and getting my medal from Olympian Meb Keflezighi was the cherry on top! 

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life? I had been hearing about the Goat 4 Life ever since my friend Matt signed up. It is a race that I loved the first time I did it & am making it a point to be a commitment every year!

Best running accomplishment? In college I made a full shift to only being a short sprinter and hurdler. When I graduated, I wanted to find that passion for running again that I used to have. So I did what I thought I never could do. I signed up for my first half marathon, which lead me to multiple distances races and finishing two full marathons all in my 20’s (Philadelphia & Marine Core) … so far! 

Future running plans? Aside from running a Goat each year, I have some bucket list races to complete (Relays, Marathons, maybe even in other countries too)! 

You can also find me doing the other half of running I love…being the support team!!! Whether it’s supporting a local race or when I’m coaching high school Track & Field. Go Bees!! 

#37 - Barbara Anne Morisseau:

How long have you been running? I have been running or walking for over 45 years!  I started running when I was 11 years old.  Given the length of my running career, my knees recently have been downgraded to walking only, so I WALK!  But FAST!

Favorite running memory?  Being a member of a Division 1 Cross Country and Track & Field Team in college, even if this is ancient history.  I chased down many competitors in the final stretches of cross country/track races in college.  So satisfying!  I had the privilege of being coached by some greats, Peter Fox Smith and the legendary Vin Lannana (cool to be able to say that).  But best of all were my teammates, who were family then and continue to be family today.

Why did you choose to become a Goat For Life?  This is THE SIGNATURE Syracuse race.  It has become more than a road race!  And in the spirit of being a part of this event, I want also to represent Team Nolan for life!  I do this for John’s family, Patty and Delaney, as it is clear to me that John was a GOAT in so many ways!  I will plan to participate as long as I am capable and healthy enough to tackle this course!  

Best running accomplishment? Training for and completing the Disney Marathon and Disney Dopey Challenge with my daughter and bestie/college teammate in 2022 and 2024.

Future running plans?  This is it!  My major plans for walking are future Mountain Goats.  I will walk other races along the way.  But I am making the GOAT my yearly event in memory of John Nolan.


#38 -  Jamie Plumley:


#39 -  Alaura Francis:


#40 -  Kimberly Hafner:


#41 -  James Fleming:


#42 - Cori Patterson:


#43 - Don Hughes:



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