MailChimp Integration
MailChimp Integration
RunSignUp has a MailChimp integration that automatically puts participant information into specific MailChimp lists as participants SignUp or are bulk imported to your race. This makes it simple for race directors who prefer to use MailChimp in addition to RunSignUp's free email service to maintain accurate and current mailing lists.
You can set up the integration by going to Promotion >> MailChimp >> Integration. This blog explains how you can set up the integration.
Things To Consider
RunSignUp's email marketing is not as advanced as MailChimp - this is their entire business and what they charge money for. RunSignUp offers a free Email Marketing platform built specifically for Race Directors. Here are some things to consider & best practices if you choose to use an external email client to send most of your races' emails.
- RunSignUp is free & unlimited. MailChimp charges after you hit 2,000 recipients.
- Even if you use an external email client to send your emails, we recommend using RunSignUp for:
- Automated Emails (Price Increase, Incomplete Registration, etc.)
- Follow up emails with replacement tags
- If you use an external provider, you can still track page views & SignUps through custom source tracking.